Chapter 2

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"As both of you are well aware, the elections are knocking at the door and even the dumbest person of this country knows who's going to be elected this time", said Mr. Namjoon as he explained the mission to us. Taking a sip out of his coffee he continued,
" And it's none of our business who gets elected this time. But the problem is if the President doesn't get re-elected, which is most likely to happen, then it'll put an end to NIS's business",he let out a deep sigh. Then looking from one of us to the other he asked, "Do you have any idea what Mr.Hoon said during his campaign last month? "

"You mean Mr. Jung Hoon, our Prime Minister?" Asked Taehyung.
Mr. Namjoon nodded.

"Yeah he said that NIS is spending a lot of money on 'killing' people which could otherwise be used for the financial and cultural 'progress' of the nation. He boasted that if he came in power this time, which is most likely to happen, he would reduce the funds which the Government pays to NIS and invest them for more beneficial works".

"Which is absolute bullshit", Mr. Namjoon muttered as he banged his fist down on the table. I exchanged glances with Taehyung. We never heard him swearing before and it was evident that he was totally pissed off.

Calming himself down a bit he continued, " Thus NIS has decided to make an attempt in order to re-elect our President, Mr. Dae Jung in the elections this time and since Taehyung is our best undercover agent, I decided to send him on this mission".
Leaning forward a bit, he continued, "Now Taehyung, listen carefully what you are going to do. Mr. Jung Hoon will be going to Daegu on his pre-election campaigns. He posted an advertisement mentioning that he wanted a secretary who will be making a detailed sketch of his campaigns, achievements and other stuffs and keep it ready by the time he arrives. We're going to send you as a former professional synopsis writer in search of a temporary job. As you are well aware, we'll also provide you with a good deal of fake bio data describing your proficiency in this field. That, I guess will, be enough to get you easily appointed at the post. Once you are in, your only job will to hack into his private documents and find out the gem.

"What gem Sir? "

"The most precious gem, Taehyung. We believe, based on some reports provided by our spies, that Mr. Jung Hoon has been taking bribes from some corrupt officials to get into power. If we are able to lay hands on his documents or transaction bills once, Mr. Jung Hoon's game will be over. "

"But how am I supposed to hack his documents? "

"That's where we need Y/N ", he said, facing me. " Taehyung, you will remain in touch with Y/N through your pager and communicate via code language. Y/N will provide you with all necessary guidance. Also, you will inform Y/N of all the developments that will take place each day. In this way we'll know how everything's progressing and also know that you are safe. Apart from that you will be receiving some basic training on hacking. "

He paused after his long explanation. "So that's your mission Taehyung. I guess our hunting cat won't have much problem in stealing The Fish from the Minister's plate? "

"Don't worry Sir. This cat's quite hungry for a delicious fish. "

"This fish resides in deep waters. Be careful Taehyung. Don't drown yourself"......

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕯𝖆𝖜𝖓|| A KTH FAN FICTION||Where stories live. Discover now