Chapter 15

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Flashback 4 years ago

Ulsan Railway Junction...

It was a dark, misty night. Seated on a cold, damp bench in a lonely corner of the station, Y/N looked up at the sky. The sky was filled with numerous stars, shining bright against the crisp, wintery night. They reminded her of her mother, whom she knew was always watching her, yet remained far beyond her reach. Today however, her eyes awaited something brighter than the stars. Her eyes followed up the tracks for the bright illuminating headlights of the train. It was a few minutes too late. But for her, the minutes felt like years, passing slowly and bringing nothing but a suffocating sense of melancholy.

The November winds blew steadily, turning her fingernails blue. Yet she never felt cold. As if her mind was too weary too feel any such sensations. While staring at the tracks,she  wondered how many souls had redeemed themselves there. She wondered if it was the right thing to do, to give up on life because she felt breathing was something too costly for her to afford. For Jungkook to afford.

She had always felt that she was a troublesome burden for Jungkook. Jungkook tried so hard to earn his bread, moving from one city to another, while she was just making him pay for her college and hostel fees. She sighed. No, there wasn't any turning back.

Her thoughts were broken by the loud whistle of the train which was now only a few yards away, slowing down it's speed as it approached the platform. She got up. The bright headlights of the train drew nearer with each passing moment.


But her legs failed her. She couldn't move even if she wanted too. She just stood and blankly stared ahead, uncertain even of her beating heart. The train came to a halt. It wasn't a local train, so it was supposed to halt in only for a few minutes. Hardly a few passengers descended, and those who did, headed straight away towards the exit without even sparing a glance at her. However, a young lad, hardly in his twenties, descended from the last carriage, all covered up with jackets and wind cheaters. He also headed for the exit but having caught a glimpse of her standing there, stopped dead in his tracks.

After a brief pause, he dashed towards her, dropping his backpack on the platform, and wrapped her in his warm embrace.


His voice bought her back to her senses. Although Jungkook had called her in the morning once, telling her that she had a surprise waiting for her, she never imagined that Jungkook would come over himself to meet her, by the same train before which she was about to give her life up.

What would have happened had she really jumped off?

Pulling her back Jungkook said in his cheerful voice, "How did you guess that I'll be coming today? "
But his smile faded away when he saw his sister's tear stricken face and bloodshot eyes.

"Y/N were you-" That was enough to make her burst into an uncontrollable fit of crying, and he wrapped his arms once again round her, tears forming in his own eyes.

That day, standing at the lonely station,he promised himself that he would even die in order to keep Y/N happy.

That day Y/N promised herself, that whatever happened, she would never think of dying in order to keep Jungkook happy.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕯𝖆𝖜𝖓|| A KTH FAN FICTION||Where stories live. Discover now