Chapter 11

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Unknown location...

Taehyung's POV

I opened my eyes slowly. My vision was blurred. A dark room. A musty smell. I blinked a few times to clear my vision. Where am I? Is it a basement? I was sitting on the floor, leaning against a damp wall.

What in the world?

I tried getting up but discarded my attempts after feeling a sharp stinging pain on my wrists. I let out a gasp and turned my head only to see that my wrists were bound together with wires which dug deeper into my skin whenever I tried to move.

Goddamn it.

I tried to figure out where I was and what had happened. I remembered sneaking into Mr. Hoon's room and... something hitting me... It wasn't hard to guess however, that I had landed in some serious trouble. They have figured it out that I'm not any ordinary compiler looking for a job. Yet, something was definately wrong. Why will anyone tie me up in a deserted and stinky basement like this?

A sound broke my chain of thoughts. A squeak. I looked around. The basement, or whatever you call this place to be, was dark. But my eyes we're dilated enough for me to see the pleasant number of rats and mice that were wandering across the dirty floor.

Fuck it. Did they leave me here to be bitten to death by these godforsaken rats?!

I couldn't see a single living soul anywhere. How many days have I been unconscious? The back of my head still throbbed, as if trying to keep pace with the beating of my  heart.

I coughed a bit, hoping to draw the attention of my captor, and make him( or her) aware that I had come back to my senses. The plan worked and within a few minutes I heard loud, measured footsteps coming in my direction.

A dark apparition, sinewy and tall, emerged from the shadows. As he came nearer, I saw that he was wearing a black mask and a dark outfit which blended smoothly with the dark background.

I got a "Rich-boy-kidnapped-for-ransom" feeling. Why not? I wondered. Maybe they are holding me captive so that they can threaten the NIS for money or information?

The man now came and stood right in front of me. Then kneeling down so that his face was just in front of mine, he lowered his mask.

"Remember me Sir? ", asked Jungkook, whom I knew was in prison after the detention of the Black Eagles.

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