4. Disco-Dirt, Lee Mason & Zing Zing Zing Bah

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"Will you take something, Sophronia?" Mysie politely asked with a smile dangling on her lips.

"One coke, please, thank you!" I returned the gesture. She placed an order with the waiter on our behalf.

I smiled at my friends, who were dancing on the dance floor at the moment. We barely arrived at the party a few minutes ago, and they were already totally inebriated. The party was held in one of CODE 1's clubs. It wasn't cheap or third-class like other clubs. It seemed more decent in a manner that would puzzle you, because I was perplexed myself just a few moments ago!

The club was massive, well-kept, tidy, and hygienic. CODE 1, it turned out, were the people who valued discipline, cleanliness, and perfection. My folks got class, man! We were lounging in the VIP corner. The venue was lit up with low lighting as well as DJ lights and music. It was loud and packed, with people dancing, making out, and lounging on sofas. A bar was also located by the dance floor. In conclusion, the club wasn't all bad!

Mysie introduced me to her boyfriend, Senior Ryder Philip, who was a member of the S Racers. The guy was such a charmer! As a result, we were seated with Senior Aylwin. We, his gang mates, Azura, and a couple other people sat at his table. They were all laughing, chatting, and going about their day. Except for Senior Aylwin, who seemed to be more preoccupied with concealing his feelings.

Boy, there's a gesture called smiling. Do it occasionally; it's good for your health!

That was the first time I had seen Azura smile, considering the fact that she didn't say anything and just gave slight smiles or smirks on occasion. Even her words lacked emotion the majority of the time.

Perhaps Aylwin has influenced her. What a terrible influence the guy is!

I sat silently throughout, listening to their conversations and sipping my coke. It was probably my fourth Coke. Did I mention I was a coke addict? Heck, I was!

I glanced around and saw Saphy and Felix laughing by the bar, Damy flirting with a guy, and Ivy dancing with Austin. This young lady was in desperate need of some self-control lessons. Poor Austin! She pulled him onto the dance floor in front of everyone. The boy couldn't even say anything. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the duo. Where Austin was more or less shy and Ivy was loud and absolutely wild.

After a few minutes, I joined them on the dance floor as well. It was preferable to being alone and staring at nothing. I danced till I was drained and later returned to my seat.


Mysie and Senior Ryder were not here anymore, maybe spending some time alone. Basically, I, Azura, Faith, Claire, S Racers, and a couple of new girls and boys, including Senior Kyla and Senior Aria, made up the majority of the table. Yup, Faith and Claire were there, too!

Claire had warned me to stay away from Ken the last time we met, and she herself was flirting with him. Ken wasn't any different. A few hours ago, I caught him red-handed. It was amazing how ironic the situation could be!

My glance was drawn to the curly-haired brunette, who was attempting to entice Senior Aylwin's attention, but he was too engrossed in gazing at me. Not in that sense, but for the fifth or sixth time tonight, our gazes collided. The stare was neither too long nor too brief. It was quick. An accidental mistake. Too beautiful to be called "accidental." It somehow managed to hitch my goddamn breath.

A sparkling, sizzling shadow that lurked in them made me almost challenge his stare; however, knowing the audience we had, I rather played it safe. Each time it happened, I swiftly averted my eyes, sipping my Coke, hoping to make it better for both of us.

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