24. Senior Fever, Call From Past & Tempting Sins

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It was much easier to buy him a present than it was to give him one. In the name of Rapunzel, I had no idea how I was going to give him. I hadn't seen him throughout the entire day, not even in the council office. And although twilight had taken hold and darkness would inevitably replace it, my thoughts were all muddled up. After finishing my work, I exited Greenwich Hill, only to be greeted by the person who had the potential to churn my insides, rendering me anxious all over again. While reading over some files, he was conversing with Senior Chase. I stood there quietly waiting for them to finish talking. Senior Chase nodded and walked away, turning on his heels.

Now it's my turn!

I took a deep breath and moved closer to him. Standing in front of him, I cleared my throat slightly. When his eyes met mine, all of my anxiousness sank into the pit of my stomach. I forced a quiet exhale as my hands clenched into fists. "Um... I'm sorry, I've caused you a lot of trouble, and thank you for... you know!" I smiled as I pulled out the small wooden box.

Thank you for what, exactly? You know!? Argh, why can't you speak up in front of him, Soph?

I offered him the package, our fingers slightly brushing against each other, making me blush all over again. As he opened the box, his gaze never left mine. His thumb caressing the engraved words, his eyes dwelt on the necklace. He cocked his eyebrow at me, silently pondering the significance of those two words.

"Justification from the heart is the true spirit of soul, and I love stroking the contours that are as sharp as thorns and as soft as silk. That's all I see, when it comes to you. Laden with sin, and flawlessly imperfect. In a nutshell, you're... Sinfully Imperfect. "

I had no idea where I gained the confidence to say all those words, but I'm elated that I told it like it was. I uttered what I felt was correct, genuine, and just... for him. Some thoughts, when they itch to rush down and brush against your sentiments, are best left alone to discover their own path, seek their own destiny, and hover over their repercussions. And I followed suit, without hesitation, anticipating that it would be one way or the other.

His gaze sharpened as he scrutinized my gestures, as if allowing those words to perforate him to the core. I tried to emulate his intensity in attempting to figure out what was on his mind, but he was masterful at concealing it. He closed his eyes for a brief while while raking his fingers through his hair, then gently opened them.

"Stroking them? Even if you know it's intended to stagger you off? " His words made me chuckle, softly. Despite the fact that he knew the answers better than I did, he was aiming the arrows at the soft core. He had a way with words, almost as though they begged him to play with them, and he whirled, coaxed, confounded, and ultimately pierced them flawlessly. But there was no way in hell I was relinquishing on comebacks.

Now, now, now, where's the fun in that?

"When I've already stumbled blissfully, it makes no difference. It's a convoluted soul's labyrinth that has the ability to ruin, devour, and soothe me. You know better than me, don't ya? " I never saw a single fleck of emotion on his face. He was well-versed in my reactions, feelings, and desires, and heck! He even knew that it was he, him, and... himself

I wanted more of him in a twisted way, with forbidden cravings that even he was all too willing to satisfy.

"Labyrinths are meant to mystify, rip apart, and delicately ruin you. Sometimes, even morphine turns lethal. " Why was he provoking me? Why was he getting on my nerves? Why was he so adamant about proving to me that he was deadly? But what he didn't realize was that his words just poured fuel on my smoldering flames, mingling and coursing them with ecstasy.

Sinfully ImperfectWhere stories live. Discover now