42. Greek Soirée, Disturbia & Pini Attack

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"Soph, where's your phone?" Ethel stepped into my room. That's when I realized I'd left my phone in the dorm.

"Ah, I guess I left it in the dorm." 

He nodded, "Aylwin was worried sick. He's on the way. " As soon as the last words left his mouth, my neck snapped towards him. My frenzied orbs collided with his already anxious ones. 

"E, he can't. No-no! He-he can't see me... Like this... Wh-why didn't you stop him? " 

He rushed up to my side, holding my shoulders. "Soph, relax. Shhh! Relax.... It's okay.. calm down. It's fine. Relax... Shhhh.. " I gradually calmed down. 

"He has something planned for you. So I couldn't decline. You have to face him, Soph, today or tomorrow. You have to and even you know this.  Don't you think everyone has seen it up until now? The damn video is spreading like wildfire. Fuck!" 

"But, E... I'm not ready for this. I'm not! " I was angry. Furious beyond limits. All of this crap was not supposed to happen. Things were going swimmingly. Senior Aylwin was opening up to me. We were improving together, mending each other, healing us. Then why all this mess? All of a sudden? The irrepressible desire to shout, scream, yell, and destroy everything wrenched my guts viciously. My fingers twitched with the need to throw everything around me. 

Destroy to doom. 

Shatter to pieces. 

Burn to ashes...


I stared back at the glistening glassy object plastered on the wall, which mocked my existence and left no chance to hurl taunts my way. Zooming in on each of my flaws, it only served to accentuate all those facts that I was struggling to conceal. Eyes no longer possessed the caliph of coruscate.

Huh... Okay, Soph. Now, smile and nod. Just smile and nod. No tears. No anger. No remembering those things. Nothing. Just focus on yourself. Senior Aylwin will be there. You got this. Yes. I got this.

A much-needed pep talk. I twirled around, ignoring the ridiculous thesis and theories of the austere mirror, admiring the outfit Senior had got me.

It was a flowy white sleeveless one-piece that ended just above my knees. It was body-hugging up to the waist and then flowed down in curls and pleats. A beautiful golden brooch was pinned just below my collarbone, along with a matching thin belt looped around my waist.

Damn, his taste! No wonder he dresses so well himself.

I made a side braid and popped pins in between each braid. Lastly, I finished off my look with a pair of golden silhouettes. A minimal layer of makeup to conceal my puffy eyes and red nose was really, really necessary. Finally, I was ready.

One word—elegant.

I actually looked elegant, and the whole white and golden tinge gave off a very Greek vibe. Outer appearance. Mere outer appearance. However, from the inside? Even the light material felt like a burden of bogus glee bearing down on my shoulder. A part of me wanted nothing more than to rip the dress to shreds and lie down on my bed for the entire night, sobbing my heart out. On the other hand, some optimistic, vibrant part of me still implored me to stay calm and go with the flow of time.

Exhausting. The whole thing was too grueling. I had no idea what would happen next or how long I would be able to keep up this tedious game of facades.

Nevertheless, all I did was sigh and sigh and sigh. 

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