10. Nico, Bobo & Fresher

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I waited outside Lily's house for her to unlock. The door opened, revealing Grace, who had a concerned expression on her face. "Thank God you're here, Soph." She sighed and motioned inside.

"Is everything alright?" She seemed quite exhausted and anxious. "Lily hasn't left her room since she got home from school. She'd been crying, and when I asked what was wrong, she wept harder. Neither is she saying anything, nor has she eaten. Please try and ask. Maybe she'll tell you. " Her eyes were glassy, filled with unspoken pain and worry for her child. I took her hands in mine, guided her onto the couch, and handed her a glass of water.

"I'm here now... so don't fret. I'll ask her. Just give me the food, and I'll take care of her. You, too, ought to be exhausted; c'mon, get some rest." She handed me a plate of spaghetti and a glass of fruit juice with a smile.

I walked up to Lily's room and stood in front of her brown wooden door. The door was partially ajar, allowing me to see a hiccupping Lily clearly. She was sitting on her bed, snuggled up to her giant pink teddy bear, and mumbling something while in deep thought. I could imagine how distressing it must be for a mother to see her child in such a state.

I walked quietly into the room and took a seat next to her. She averted her gaze away from me. I swallowed hard and coughed, "Um... Hey, have you seen my genius, little girl? She is a bold, beautiful girl with wide doe eyes and adorable pigtails. She never cries and is her parents' princess. Have you seen a girl like this around here?" She shook her head in denial, still snuggled in her teddy.

I let out a dramatic sigh, "That's fine, no problem! Please let me know if you come across my Genius. I've got her favorite Choco-chip ice cream. Anyway, I'm going to go! Goodbye! " I turned to go with a few short strides.




"BIGGIE! " She dashed up to me and hugged my waist, making me chuckle.

"Ah, my Genius, where have you been? I've been checking the entire house for you." I pouted as I knelt next to her.

Her grin faded as she dragged me to her bed, holding my fingers in her tiny little palm. She hugged her knees despondently. I drew her onto my lap by wrapping my arms around her tiny waist. "Biggie, they teased me again," she murmured as she leaned on my lap. Biggie was the nickname she gave me. I kind of liked that.

"You need to tell me the whole story, Genius. Then I'll be able to help you with your problem. " Her head bowed down as she nodded. She seemed too adorable. I couldn't conceal the grin that graced my lips.

"I was eating lunch in the school garden when a group of boys and girls arrived. They yanked my pigtails and told me I was worthless. They said I couldn't do anything with one hand. They forcibly dragged me into the fields and pushed me. They were just making fun of me. " She broke down once more. Her state shattered my heart. I embraced her close, lovingly and affectionately caressing her head.

"Then you should have hit them."

"But Biggie, mama says hitting is bad," she said with her big doe eyes, which always made my heart melt.

Oh, Genius, you're such a sweetheart!

I gently pulled her cheeks before saying, "Do you recall the story of Hellen Keller that I told you about? Some great people, including her, have been mocked and taunted, but that doesn't mean you'll succumb to them, my beloved Genius. You must show them that you are capable of accomplishing anything, everything. Most importantly, love: hitting is bad, but defending isn't. If someone is bothering you, you must defend yourself. Crying isn't the answer. You must inform us, okay? Never do that again, Genius. Understood? " She gave a nod.

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