14. Pa Uni's Birthday & Olympe De Gouges

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"Hey Faith! If it's not too much trouble, could you kindly guide me through these papers? " I courteously requested Faith, who was sifting through reams after reams. She grumbled and tossed the bundles to the side before turning to face me, a strained expression on her face.

So, basically, I was at the council office going over the last formalities. Because I was new to all of this, I needed to rely on anyone's advice. Something wasn't quite right with the crowd, I noted. Everyone was uptight and worked like a robot. Seniors were supervising the gathering of students. Almost everyone was preoccupied with their respective tasks.

I wonder, what's happening?

"Yeah, tell me," Faith came over to me, stretching her arms and stifling a yawn as I handed her my sheets. She took her time to read it before nodding.

"Come, I'll show you," she said as she ushered me over to the seniors' table. An anxious sensation settled in the pit of my stomach. As we got closer to them, my fingers toyed with the hem of my shirt.

"Excuse me, Senior Chase, just a minute, please." She stepped alongside him as he paused his work and gave her his full attention. He nodded as she explained everything to him. His gaze shifted to mine, and his lips curled into a full-fledged smile.

"Hazel eyes?" He waved lightly, and I returned the gesture with a polite smile. A few heads turned to look at us, but they quickly went about their business. Senior Poker Face sat in the black leather chair, putting on his signature poker face. While he leaned against his chair, his fingers fidgeted with a sharp-pointed pencil. He seemed fully focused as he rummaged through a stack of documents, making minor changes here and there.

"Are you even listening to me, Hazel eyes?" Senior Chase's abrupt voice jolted me out of my reverie. His voice had a sly, mischievous tone to it.

"Huh?" I faced him, my cheeks flushed with befuddlement and chagrin at being caught. Damn you, Senior Poker Face!

"So, as I said, check out these specific details and make sure you've attempted all of these fields; in the meantime, we will assign you a task or two, and depending on your performance, you'll be picked for your next task by the Deans." He explained everything to me in precise detail.

"I presume you got it, right?" He plonked himself down on the chair next to Senior Aylwin, who, much to my dismay, hadn't spared me a glance.

Focus Soph! Do what you came for and go back to your dorm. NO DRAMA! NO ATTENTION!

"Yeah, thanks a lot!" My eyes were drawn to the black oak table, which was draped in a glass covering.

"What's that?" I inquired, my fingertips flitting through the many brochures strewn over the surface.

"Oh, that! Well, we're picking out the perfect magazine cover for our university magazine." He flicked through each booklet before calling Senior Aylwin, who simply hummed back. His dark, glinting eyes were still glued to the pages.

"Anyone caught your eyes?"

"No, I'm working on a few new ones right now." He moved his attention from the papers for the first time, meeting his friends. He returned his focus to his task without acknowledging me.

Hello, I'm here, too! Ugh! SOPH, CONTROL!

Then, it struck me, "Cover? University magazine?"

"Well, I'll take it, as you don't know about the upcoming event." I cocked my head and shook in denial.

"You don't read the Uni forum, do you?"

"Ah, if you're referring to that forum where Uni info's is shared less frequently than student gossip, then no, I haven't. Care to share, please, will ya? " He chortled, reclining against his chair and resting his arms on the chair's armrests.

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