23. Queef In A Flower Shop & Token Of Taste

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"Look who's glowing today!" Ivy exclaimed as I worked on my hair.

"Says the one who's been blushing profusely for the last twenty minutes," I fired back, my gaze wandering on her outfit, which turned out to be Senior Chase's hoodie.

"I mean, look at you gal... He got you a frigging new dress." She pointed to my dress, brought by Senior Aylwin. It was a maroon sweatshirt with white stripes on the outline, with a pair of matching chinos in a casual ensemble.

"Your point, Iv?"

"Nothing-nothing! Are you ready to face everyone in college?" That was the most dreaded question. I didn't know how to deal with them.

"I'm not sure, Iv! I'm simply... extremely nervous? Yeah, I guess." I blew the air out of my cheeks and took one final look at myself.

"No worries, bae! I've got your back." Ivy flashed her skinny biceps as she winked at me.


As we descended the stairwell, we noticed that Seniors were already gathered, and were watching the race on TV. I sat across from Senior Chase, while Ivy took a seat next to him. Senior Aylwin stood at the door, engrossed in a phone call.

Senior Chase greeted us, "Good morning, girls! I hope you had a wonderful night."

Wonderful night?
"Never leave a task half-done."
"You make me commit sins, I never fucking thought I'd ever come across."

I coughed gently as I felt warmth pour into my cheeks. "Are you okay?"

"I'm OK. Um... a glass of water, please." He got up and walked into the kitchen, which let me breathe out a sigh of relief. My gaze returned to Senior Poker Face, who stood with his back to me. He was dressed in a dark blue jacket with ankle-length dark trousers.

I couldn't believe my eyes about what had transpired that night, and I blamed him for everything that had happened. However, I felt relieved because we were both on the same boat. I remembered how I kept asking myself throughout the night if what had just happened was real or if I was fantasizing. Everything seemed surreal, and that goofy smile never left my face, prompting me to proclaim myself a New York clown.

I can only image how he must have felt that night! Seems like I screwed up his testosterone big time.

"Looks like someone had a really great night." The mocking in Ivy's voice jarred me up from my stupor. She broke out laughing as I scowled at her.


"We're here." The car came to a standstill in front of the college's entrance. That was the moment I was dreading. Ah, how I wanted King Kong or the monsters from Rampage would swallow me whole.

"Soph?" They gave me a puzzled look, which made me realize I was the only one inside. I stepped out of the car after taking a deep breath. We weren't oblivious to the glances from passers-by. Senior Aylwin, thankfully, was not with us because he had to go ahead of us owing to some essential work.

"Hazel Eyes, ignore them. We have lectures to go to, after all." As we proceeded into the campus, Senior Chase put his arm around my shoulder, inviting unwanted attention.

From when did I start to feel nervous? Soph, take it easy! You're capable of dealing with them. Yes, I've figured it out.

I gave myself a little pep talk and inhaled deeply, a slight smile on my face. We split up near our dorm since we needed to get our books before heading to our classes.

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