44. A Casket Of Apocalypse & An Erotic Revenge

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"Tell me, Aylwin, will you hear a story?"

His serene stance stiffened. Rigid, he sat there, peering at me with terrific earnestness. I grazed his cheeks all the way down to his jawline. I started with his lips and found my way down to his throat. Pressing exactly at his Adam's apple, I relished the way he gulped. The vivid sensation of bobbing electrified my veins. Filling my insides with the mellifluous resonation of buzz.

I smiled. A pure, sickening smile. A vicious smile to let him know it was all going to come crashing down for me. My thumb pressed further till I felt the strength of his bone. My forefinger stroked the flesh of his skin. Smooth and sensuous.

He stayed quiet. He just gazed at me with his signature poker face. A sublime serenity, surfing on the shores of solitude.

I got up. Letting go of his solace. Drifting away from him. Because I knew there was no way in a million years I could tell him if I kept looking at him. I wouldn't be able to pull it off. A rather ridiculous thought to even ponder.

He's gonna hate you after this, Soph. He'll hate you. He won't even look at you.

Inhaling a sharp breath, I centered my gaze on the dark walls. Dark like us.

"So, here goes the fairytale. Once upon a time, there lived a happy family. They had a little girl with amazing parents and a wonderful big brother. She had it all and couldn't ask for anything more. " With that, began the peeling of my shells.

I glanced at him through my shoulder, smiling a smile of amusement. Amused at myself that it was finally happening. "But, like every fairytale, where comes the demon to the princess, my story has a teensy twist. Here, the princess was her own demon. "

Reminiscing on the times I felt like I could hardly remember; I lost myself within the walls of darkness. I stopped, contemplating where to go next. From which point to start? I wondered, I knew. So, whatever came next to my mind, my lips followed suit.

"It was a joyous day. Euphoric for her. And you know how kids are, enthralled with everything they're not told to do. Well, turns out I fall into that category. " I didn't know whether I made any sense at all. Most of the things even sounded absurd to me.

Perhaps due to the fact that it was the first time after eight years, I was actually talking about it. Well, opening the treasure of eight years was quite a tough task, if you ask me. Too tough to even decipher. However, I wasn't the least bit concerned about that fact. All I wanted was for him to seek his own answers in the mishmash of my absurd words.

"She was enjoying herself. Dancing and singing. When one moment she was soaring in the clouds of the sky, the very next moment she plummeted hard to the ground. " I smiled, thinking back on the vague events.

I faced him, chuckling darkly. "Her only mistake? You ask. " A deluge of resentment and remorse flooded through my words. Hawk-like eyes scrutinized my slightest move. Woven creases of worry and concern decked his forehead. A glassy glimmer in his eyes clearly reflected the same notion.

My smile faltered. Voice cracked slightly. Nonetheless, the words were compelled to spill forth and savor the delectable taste of freedom. "She overheard things she shouldn't have. That's it! And that one damn mistake, in one stroke, became the wellspring of her suffering. Her mistakes morphed into sins. Rendering her a sinner. " My tone switched again, picking up the pace. I raised my voice, feeling the scattered fragments creep back from the nooks and crannies to glue themselves back together.

Suddenly, a full-throated laugh escaped my mouth. "Oops! Did I miss the fun fact? Well, well, well, that li'l girl is none other than Sophronia Jasper. Interesting one, isn't it?" I walked towards him in slow strides, keeping a close eye on him. Trying to elicit even a smidgeon of his reaction.

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