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The jiggling of the gold bracelet savored the ambiance of musky reddish hues. The murkiness of the room highlighted the glistening essence of a heavenly fall. The curtains swooshed, dancing from one side to another and splashing against the huge open windows. The aesthetic entanglement of colors and aromas was wrapped in serenity and solitude. Blooming every nook and cranny of the heart.

"Fresher?" A low, husky voice called out. Tinge of impatience and urgency laced into the tone of softness. A sweet churning in her belly. A ticklish sensation that rendered her speechless.

"Geez! C'mon, fast-fast, Soph!" The young lady muttered under her breath, applying a coat of mascara to her eyelashes. Accentuating their perfect length. She fought the urge to tug at her hair roots, seeing how late they were.

"Coming! Gimme two minutes." She yelled back as a frown etched onto her face. The matter was difficult, and she hated such pathetic situations. She had two freaking options, and boy, both of them were so good.

Be it the shimmery hoops or the tiny pearl earrings.

Thinking hoops would be too much for the event, she opted for the latter. The light pearls dangled in her ears as she coated her lips in the sensual nude shade. Running her hands through her brunette curls, she smiled at herself in the mirror. She looked beautiful. Glittery shades of bronze shimmered on her eyelids, accentuating her outfit further. The simple, bronze colored floor-length one-piece satin hugged her curvaceous body. The full, puffed sleeves molded into the dress gave it an exaggerated Disney princess look. To complete her glamorous look, she opted for a pair of matching strappy heels and a cute clutch.

There she was, ready. Leaving her room, or more precisely, Aylwin's room, she walked downstairs, where the man must be waiting for her. The truth was, it was the third time he had reminded her to hurry.

But it wasn't her fault, either. A gal gotta do what a gal gotta do. Period.

The clinking heels soaked up all the attention in the room. The once-sitting dude, scrolling nonchalantly, couldn't remove his gaze from the ethereal beauty descending down the stairs. Fresh sparks tackling him. Buzzing energy spreading all over him. The whirling whirlwind of ardor washed over him.

Her eyes roamed over his physique. A white fitted shirt paired with black jeans and a light brown single-breasted blazer that clung to his muscular flesh. The bar pendant was loosely hanging around his neck as the dark blue crystal shone meticulously, spurting with ardent flames. Luscious, dark locks sat atop him in the messiest way, enhancing his dripping charisma, rather artfully. A slight stubble grazed his jaw. A kind of "hot mess" look, making the ambiance sexier. Sizzling hot. And smolderingly sensual.

Fuck the rizz. 

She walked closer to him, her every move graced with such formidable grace, leaving him spellbound. It wasn't the first time, though. An usual risky situation. Something that the pair thirstily delved into. Her feet halted. A few inches away from him. Deliberately. Leaving a gap between them. Forbidden sufferings. Slow, very slow, too slow to even exist.

"I just realized we've got a bit of time to go." Before he could suggest any sinister proposition, Sophronia laughed, hitting his chest lightly. "Nope. Not happening. Weren't you the one so eager to attend your brother's anniversary?" She narrowed her eyes at him, seeing his eyes dancing with amusement.

A soft, melodious chuckle mingled in the air. Refreshing sentiments of profound bliss swirling in the rings of the heart. His arms wrapped around her waist in a swift move. The sliver of distance evaporating in the myths of their la la land. Putting an end to the suffering. Flesh feeling flesh. Bodies molding. "I changed my mind." He retorted, challenging her. A twisted game of seduction the young lovers enjoyed playing.

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