12. Rush To Hospi & A Glimpse Of Horror

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I finally let out a sigh as I unlocked my dorm door. Ivy wasn't in the room, but the sound of flushing quickly dispelled my concerns. My body screamed with weariness as I slumped down on the bed. Ivy's hissing was followed by the clicking sound of the bathroom door.

"Soph..." I was startled to get to my feet when I heard her faint voice followed by the sound of a "thud." I ran up to her unconscious form. When I touched her, I realized she was burning up. Jesus Christ!

I sprinkled water droplets on her face in an attempt to stir her up, but it was in vain. I wiped her key body areas, such as her forehead, hands, feet, and cheeks, with a moist towel several times. She was still unconscious. I grabbed her phone and dialed Mysie's number, instantly informing the rest of our friends.

"Sup, drama queen?" Mysie said as she picked up the phone on the fourth ring.

"Mysie, it's me, Sophronia." I attempted to sound optimistic, although my tone was anything but that. The raw fear and anxiety literally screamed in my voice.

"Soph, are you alright? You sound a little anxious. " I could sense her nervousness and impatience in her voice.

Taking a deep breath, I explained to her about Ivy's condition. She hung up, saying she'd be there in five minutes. I resumed rubbing Ivy's feet. "Ivy, please get up!"


There was a knock on the door after a few minutes. I opened it, revealing a concerned Mysie, Sapphire, and two university nurses.

"Boys are making arrangements in the infirmary. Let's hurry up and get her there!"

Ivy was paler than usual. Her lips were chapped and pale. Her breathing had slowed somewhat, and she still had a temperature. We were all concerned and apprehensive. I noticed Mysie, who appeared to be on the verge of tears but kept her composure. Seeing her sister in such a state was difficult for her. Saphy and I, on the other hand, tried our hardest to remain calm for Mysie but failed terribly.


It had been 10 hours since Ivy had passed out. We had to admit her to the hospital since the infirmary nurses couldn't find out what was wrong with her. All we could do was pray as the doctors attended to her.

It was 5 in the morning, and no one had eaten anything yet. Intense worry had sucked up all of our appetite and satisfied our thirst. Ivy's parents were in even worse shape. In the meantime, her parents called, and Mysie, overcome with anguish, informed them about her sister's situation. They were determined to visit her and arrived in a matter of hours. They were filing vital documents and going through the motions at the counter.

I cast a glance around the hospital room at each of the people waiting to learn about Ivy's condition. Ryder consoled Mysie as she sobbed in his arms. Sapphire was behaving in the same way with Felix; after all, Ivy and Felix had been close friends since high school. Austin and Damien sat on the bench, while I stood outside Ivy's room, praying for her.

The ICU door burst open, revealing Ivy's doctor, Dr. Matthews. We all raced up to him, eager to hear what he had to say. He took a long, deep breath and said, "Ivy had food poisoning, but she's out of danger now. Don't worry. Is she allergic to anything? " The newly fed information was enough to make us hold our breaths, and heck, it did!

Mysie was quick to reply, "Yes, she is extremely allergic to nuts and raisins. She frequently gets diarrhea and vomiting after eating it."

Dr. Matthews nodded before continuing, "Yes, we discovered allergic patches in her blood. She had been passed out for a long time due to excessive dehydration. We've given her antibiotics and anti-allergic meds to help her recuperate more quickly."

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