6. Dummkopf Bruffa, Ice-Creams & Bajesus My Weejus

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"I'll be there at 9, Soph."

"Ok then, see ya!"

I glanced at the clock, only to curse underneath. It was already six o'clock, and Ethel would be there shortly. It was a Sunday, and jogging might help clearing my mind. I headed to the track after changing into a white hoodie and a pair of matching shorts.

Ivy was dozing off, not from exhaustion or anything, but from a hangover. For an hour, she'd been complaining about a headache. I said my goodbyes by handing her an aspirin and a cup of hot black coffee.

Just a few people were on the track, so it wasn't packed. I jogged slowly down one of the lanes, smiling at the few passersby who acknowledged me. Last night's event was already enough to cause drama in my life, but it seemed that few people were aware of it, which I was grateful for.

I was jogging down the corner when I screeched to a halt. 'Albeit he doesn't show us, I know deep down somewhere, he too has feelings. It's just that he doesn't show it. ' Mysie's words came to mind as I watched the scene unfold in front of my eyes. I watched Senior Aylwin play with the young boy, an amused smile taking me into the deepest depths of pondering.

Senior Aylwin stood by a black Range Rover with a nearly 16-year-old girl, a seven-eight-year-old boy, and a tall young man with his back to me near the secluded area. Senior Aylwin lightly kissed the boy's forehead as he bounced up and down. The ginger-haired girl approached him and drew him into an embrace. Senior took a long, deliberate look at her before gently placing his hands on either side of her and kissing her on the forehead.

Who's she? Who are they? Is she his girlfriend?

The last question was soon answered in her mind. She seemed too young to be his girlfriend. The distance between them was pretty much disturbing and a hurdle, obscuring a clear view of their faces. I was too preoccupied with gazing at them to notice when Senior caught me staring at him. His eyes found mine. A quick, secure swirling with a smidgeon of fear. Something that vanished as fast as it came. I almost mistook it for a mere hallucination or mind-made shit, but alas, it was too clear to ignore. It was that strong. The young girl followed his direction, meeting my shy gaze as though feeling him spacing out.

Oh, shit! What am I supposed to do now?

So, I did what my mind told me to do: I immediately turned around and ran back to my dorms. It wasn't like I could do anything better. Anyway.


Ethel had picked me up earlier, and we decided to visit an ice cream parlor after making a pit stop. There were a lot of people rustling around inside the shop. We took a seat by the window seat, which had a great view of the park across the street. I heard footsteps, accompanied by a throat clearing. I let Ethel place my order because he was familiar with my tastes. I kept myself occupied by looking around the park, which was bustling with people walking, playing, and picnicking.

"Anything else, sir?" The familiarity of the voice drew my attention. When I turned around to meet his eyes, the last person I expected to see was standing there.

"Austin?" He lifted his gaze from the order book to meet my surprised expression. His eyes widened, as though he hadn't expected to see me here. "Sophronia?"

"Are you guys familiar with each other?" Our staredown was broken by Ethel's intrusion.

I smiled and nodded. "Oh, indeed! Austin, this is my brother, Ethel, and brother, this is my friend, Austin." Austin gave him an awkward smile before rushing away to get our orders. Ethel gave me a puzzled expression.

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