Bucky fucking Barnes

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Wren's POV

Sipping on her whiskey sour, Wren's hazel eyes scanned the bar to see if there were any potential MRN's. There were nice looking men to be sure, but no one was eye-catching enough. Disappointed, she tossed back the rest of her drink and signaled to the bartender for another. She was gonna need several if tonight was a waste. A warm hand on her back had her stiffening, "Hey, it's just me." Glancing up to see a smiling Steve she instantly relaxed.

"I ordered you a beer." She pushed the glass over to him. He sat on the stool next to Wren thanking her as he took a long drink. "Rough day at the office, Spangles?

"No, I just needed this." He laughed as he set his half drunk glass back on the bar. His ocean blue eyes scanned over her appreciatively. "You're looking very beautiful tonight. A lot more effort than you usually put in though."

She shrugged, taking a sip of her new drink. "I figured I'd get straight to the point that I'm available and willing. I'm not here looking for forever just right now." Her eyes scanned down his body in return. Steve went with a black jacket, dark blue dress shirt, black slacks and his nicer boots tonight.

"Too bad we're just friends because I'd definitely take you home." It wasn't a lie. Steve was hot as fuck and that body.. the things she was sure he could do to her.. Focus Wren and try not to hit on your friend. God she was hornier than she thought.

He just laughed her comment off like he usually did and flirted back. "Dressed like that I might just let you." Biting her lip she shifted on her stool a bit unable to stop picturing what that might look like. His change in topic had her zoning back in on what he was saying. "So, has anyone caught your eye yet?" She shook her head no. "Well until they do we'll drink and talk.

Lifting her drink she clinked their glasses together. "I can most definitely do that. Bottoms up, Stevie." Waving down the bartender she told him to keep their drinks coming.

For the next forty minutes they talked, continuing to get to know each other. So naturally the talk of their adopted brothers came up. Back when she didn't know who Bucky really was, hearing their stories from growing up had been a kick for her, but now? Humanizing the Winter Soldier had already been hard enough with him living across the hall, now it was making it harder and harder for her to completely hate him.

Wren was in the middle of telling Steve how she had convinced Henri to sneak out of the Nest they were staying at in Germany so they could see the Christmas lights. She had been ten and Henri was fifteen. Constantly moving around not living a normal life they didn't get to celebrate holidays or birthdays. As children Sparrows weren't told when their birthdays were or allowed to celebrate anything so that you only focused on your training.

There were some who were even more unlucky than those like her and Henri. Those were the ones who'd been taken when they were much older. It was worse for them because they knew of a life outside of the Sparrows. There was one kid who told the younger kids about birthday parties. All about how your friends would celebrate with you and about the cake and presents.

Not long after Wren had broken into an office and hacked into the computer to find out when her and Henri's birthdays were. A few months later she knew she had to do something special for her adopted brother. His birthday was on Christmas Eve.

She remembered Christmas and vague recollections of her parents. Not having any money she figured out something simple to do that would be his Christmas and birthday present all rolled in one. They had a blast running around the city for a few hours. Henri had filched some soft pretzels and cocoa to enjoy while they were surrounded by twinkling lights.

Smiling at her happy memory Steve set his glass down. "That reminds me of this one time I did something like that for Buck. I convinced him it would be a good idea to go ice skating. Now mind you this was pre serum me. I was this scrawny kid and a light breeze would've knocked me over." He laughed while taking a sip of his beer. Shaking his head at the memory he continued.

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