Sweet dreams, James

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After a frank conversation that clarified his now good intentions towards Wren, Steve and Bucky had a few more drinks before heading back to the Tower. He'd had fun. It was almost like the old days when they'd gone out for a beer or two on a Friday night. Well minus the fact that neither of them could get drunk and the bar was vastly different from the dive bar they'd have usually hit.

He couldn't stop thinking about Wren and their moment in the bathroom. Bucky kept replaying it over and over in his mind both the good and the bad parts. It hadn't been until she had said anything that he had realized how much his former opinion about her being a mutant had seemed to matter and bother her. Determined to show her that he didn't think that way anymore he decided to be nicer to her in that regard. As for the little game she wanted to play well, that was a different story. If Wren wanted to play then he was more than up for it.

Saying his goodnights to Steve he walked down the hall to his room next door. The doorknob turned letting him know that Sam had absently left it unlocked when him and Natasha left earlier. Flipping on the light he took a quick glance around and noted that nothing seemed to be out of place. The clothes that had been discarded were still on his bed needing to be put away. Striding over he picked up the clothes and took them to his closet and hung them and his leather jacket up. Stripping down to his boxer briefs he tossed his dirty clothes in the hamper in the corner.

Buck turned out the light on his way out to the bathroom to brush his teeth not noticing that he now wasn't alone. He wouldn't have been able to unless Wren wanted him to. Once he stepped inside his bathroom she stripped down to nothing and quiet as a mouse laid a trail of her heels and clothes from the door to his bed. Turning herself invisible she made herself comfortable on the edge of his bed making sure to not disturb anything else and waited.

Looking at himself in the mirror as he brushed his teeth he ran his metal hand through his much shorter hair. He missed the shield his longer hair had been between him and the curious eyes of his friends and the people who stared at him. He felt exposed... but Wren had seemed to appreciate his new look so maybe it was worth it.

Bucky was unsure how things would play out with them now, but he knew he wanted something to happen. Her telling him to stay away and to keep his hands to himself while she pressed her body against his in a way that said otherwise was a contradiction that he had to tread carefully with. If she really didn't want anything to do with him he wouldn't push himself at her, but he didn't believe he was wrong in his thinking.

He might have been out of the game for a while but he still remembered the signs of a woman playing hard to get. He just had to think of a way for her to come to him. Make her make the first move to confirm what it was she wanted from him. As he brushed his teeth he could have sworn he smelled perfume. It kind of reminded him of Wren's Versace Bright Crystal perfume. He only knew that because he'd overheard the women talking about the things they splurged on in the gym last week. Wren had talked about the perfume being the one thing she was willing to really spend her money on.

Knowing she wouldn't step foot in his apartment he shrugged it off as being left over from Natasha. As he put his toothbrush away he thought he heard a noise. Glancing up he thought himself that Clint must be in the vents spying on everyone again. Rolling his eyes at the strange man he turned out the bathroom light and stepped into his bedroom and promptly tripped.

Catching his balance he looked down to see a pair of black heels that led to a trail of discarded black lace panties and a red dress. Picking up the dress he recognized it as the one Wren had been wearing earlier. Snapping his eyes up he quickly scanned his bedroom, but didn't see her. Closing his eyes Bucky focused his senses to detect what his eyes couldn't see. Faintly he could hear a second heartbeat. It was steady and close. Taking a deep breath Wren's perfume wafted over to him stronger than it had in the bathroom.

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