Watch and find out

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Volunteering to tail Richardson, Wren avoided being alone with Bucky as much as possible using the excuse that she would be able to get better intel than anyone else. Frustration of multiple degrees filled him when he'd woken up the next morning to find a note from her detailing the change in plans. He hoped she would have been naked in bed next to him instead of finding an empty apartment. So much for their deal he thought to himself as he waited not so patiently for her to return.

She didn't come back until Richardson was home for the night and then promptly locked herself in the bathroom. For nearly an hour Wren stayed put not making a sound. Every second she hid away from him the more his irritation with her denying this thing between them grew. Just as the hour and half mark came round he snapped. Making sure their mark wasn't doing anything interesting he made short work of the flimsy door. One swift kick and it went flying open, bouncing off the wall coming to a stop when he reached out a hand.

An unimpressed Wren glanced up from her phone as she lounged in the bathtub fully dressed in her suit with a rolled up towel bracing her head as a pillow. Looking back down at her phone she tonelessly said, "Don't think I won't tattle to Steve and Maria that you broke the door. I'm not getting stuck with paying for damages or getting reprimanded because you can't knock."

Trying and failing to rein in his temper he growled out, "What have you been doing in here the whole time?"

Smirking with genuine happiness she held up her phone showing him the screen, amusement dancing in her hazel eyes. "Playing Candy crush. Just leveled up."

Disbelief washed through him. She had spent this whole time playing a game on her phone rather than share the same space as him? Angry, but smart enough to know better than go after her right now with how calm she was being, Buck warily watched as she effortlessly climbed out of the tub clicking off her phone as she did. "If you really needed to pee that bad all you had to do was say so."

Without thinking he grasped Wren's upper arm as she went to walk past him and swung her back around to face him. He expected her to yell at him or hit him, anything other than go up on tiptoe and kiss him. Tensing for half a second before melting into the feel of her mouth on his Bucky groaned as he pulled her up against his chest. Devouring her with lips and tongue while her hands skimmed up his stomach to his chest under his shirt. Abruptly she pushed hard sending him backwards into the bedroom.

Stumbling back he stared at her wordlessly as she continued to aggressively push him until the back of his knees hit the bed. Sitting of his own accord he looked up at Wren eager for what she had in store for him. That is until she went invisible. "Seriously! What the fuck, Wren? What kind of game are you playing at?"

"Watch and find out, Bucket." She whispered against his mouth, the feeling of her warm breath had his hitching in his throat.

He felt her hand grasp onto the hem of his shirt pulling on it; he expected her to pull it up and off not see it split down the middle as she cut it off of him. The sight and sound of her knife embedding into the bedside table made his cock twitch, but it was the feel of her hands roaming over his belt buckle that had him about ready to explode.

"If you touch me I stop, got it?" When he didn't immediately respond she lightly, but firmly slapped him across the face. The minor pain had his cock aching in anticipation of more. Eager to obey her command Bucky nodded. "I'll keep my hands to myself."

"Good boy. Now finish stripping, lay back and be quiet." Doing as she told him as quickly as possible he settled naked against the pillows and waited patiently for her to make her next move.

Not being able to see where Wren was had his heart pounding as he relied on his other senses to find her. The soft steps she took as she crossed the room towards the desk to check on Richardson, ever the good soldier. The sound of the zipper of her suit coming down until she kicked off to the side. The fact that he didn't see her lucky underwear told him that she had been completely bare underneath and it had his mouth salivating. The smell of her delicate perfume he'd come to associate only with her as she drifted closer to the bed.

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