There's nothing left to say

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Five days later

It had taken longer than initially thought for them to get the information to bust Richardson. That meant an extra four days stuck in that apartment with Bucky. Four extra days of them tiptoeing around each other trying to not acknowledge the feelings they had for each other. By the end of that week Wren was emotionally wrung out and for the first time in her life the fight went out of her. Oh she kept it together in front of him and the other SHIELD agents, but she was hanging on by thin fraying thread.

Quickly speaking to Bucky she told him she would handle the packing up of the computers and equipment while he helped one of the SHIELD agents arrest Richardson. It had been a lie, one she didn't feel bad telling. Wren had no other choice if she wanted to get away cleanly without the drama she knew he'd rain down on her when he overreacted to her news. He hadn't pushed himself on her physically, but he wouldn't stop talking. He'd respected her demand and went back to what they were like before minus putting words into actions.

It took him a solid twenty-four hours to get there, but once he started his teasing and comments it was like he couldn't stop. At first she couldn't help herself and fell into their old rhythm, but after a while her heart wasn't in it so she stopped and started planning. What was this horrible plan? Break her own heart and push Bucky away for good, but how?

How could she get him to back off permanently? What would it take for him to never want to come near her again in that way? The answer? By being with the one person she knew he was closest to and rubbing it in his face. Was it a shitty juvenile plan? Yes, yes it was. Would multiple people probably get hurt? Yup, definitely, but what other options did she have at the time? In her eyes, none.


Steve was waiting for Wren in her new bedroom at the Compound when she came in. The half grin on his face fell at the look on her face making him cross over to take her bags. Letting him she walked over to sit down on the edge of the bed. "I read over the gist of your guy's mission so color me confused at this sourpuss expression on your face."

He was too observant sometimes, she silently mused to herself, outwardly she shrugged her shoulders. "We got what was needed, but it's probably a good idea for future reference not to pair us up like that again." Falling back onto the bed as Steve sat next to her stifling a grin. "It's not funny, Steve.

"Did you even give him a chance like I said or did you just threaten to stab him?" They hadn't known each other long, but he knew her well. As much as Wren wanted to laugh his question off she just didn't have it in her, not after the emotional beating she took this week.

"Only once if you must know. Barnes and I are never going to be friends, you have to know that by now, Spangles. I know you want us to be, but it's just not in the cards for us."

Huffing out a resigned breath he nodded. "It was worth a shot. I really just came by so you had a friendly face to greet you and to see when you were free for that dinner I owe you. Gotta make good on that deal we made."

Chuckling half-heartedly Wren shifted around until her head was in his lap sighing in contentment when he began to run his fingers through her hair. "Give me a day or two to recharge and I'll be all yours, Stevie."

He knew something had happened to them based on how reserved Wren was. She didn't seem overly upset, more like she was resigned to it. This change in location was probably for the best. Her and Buck had been bumping heads for months only being at peace when the other was away. Seeing the stress seemingly melt away from her as he petted her hair Steve continued until she was nearly a puddle of relaxation. "You want me to stay for a bit?"

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