Secret mission

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In the following days that led into the next few weeks, Bucky and Wren stumbled their way through understanding what being in a new relationship was. The sex part they had down no problem. When you had two people that had that much chemistry sex was a no brainer. The communication part was a little more shaky but it was much better than before they were together. What the problem was, was that he had been trying to get her to talk to Steve and the others. To at least forgive them for her own sake. She explained to Bucky that it didn't matter if she ever forgave them because in the end any of the trust they'd had was gone. It'd been torched the second Natasha had clipped that power dampening bracelet on Wren's wrist with a smile on her face. Seeing that he wasn't going to get anywhere with her on the subject he dropped it, for now.

And the only reason Wren hadn't completely thumped Bucky for even bringing it up was because he had been true to his word. The day after the whole lockdown situation he and Steve had gotten into it when they were in the training room. Or I guess you could say Rogers let Buck beat the shit out of him without really defending himself. She wished she'd been there to see it, but she'd gone back to the Compound after dropping Bucky off to be alone for a while. From what Wren had heard it wasn't as wonderful as she'd pictured because Steve had just taken his beating and laid there on the ground when Buck had walked away. While things weren't a hundred percent copacetic between the two best friends, they were now talking again. She really wanted to be angry about that but Wren understood that they were family. And as much as she wanted him to, even she wouldn't turn her back on family. If it had been Henri she would have probably done the same thing. Then again her 'brother' wasn't as stupid as Steve Rogers apparently was. Henri never would have done that to her. Definitely would have forced her to talk to Bucky, but he would never have done the rest of it.

As for the other two people she had yet to talk to since that night? Wren didn't go out of her way to avoid them. Hell she could still be professional and do her job with them if it was called for. Didn't mean she chit chatted with Tony and Natasha other than to communicate the most basic things to get the mission done. Otherwise she kept her mouth shut and so did they. Especially after the first mission a week after their fight. They'd been getting ready in the locker area of the Tower when Tony had come up to her with a gift. To say Wren had been shocked at the set of balls this man had to come up to her in front of everyone was an understatement. But then again Tony Stark couldn't stand it when someone was upset with him like this so she wasn't too surprised. People got annoyed with him, mildly pissed off at him and in the past had been utterly mortified by his behavior, but this? Wren's anger and disappointment had totally wrecked the billionaire with the soft heart.

The sound of a throat softly clearing behind her as she finished loading up what she needed had Wren glancing over her shoulder to see Tony standing there. A contrite expression on his face. When she didn't stab him or out right tell him to fuck off, he took a tentative step closer. Holding out his hand Tony gave her a small smile. "I, uh, I made these for you." Looking disdainfully down at the simple hair ties in his hand she lifted an eyebrow in question. Seeing that she didn't understand what he was talking about he explained what they did. "They become invisible when you do. This way you can keep your hair out of your face without the hair tie being seen. I know you've been complaining about it for a while now and thought-"

His words were cut off when she grabbed Bucky's Gerber Mark ii tactical knife from his thigh holster, gathered up her long hair and cut it off at shoulder level. Quickly taking his knife back Buck settled his hands on her shoulders just in case. Tossing the mass of brunette tresses into the trash, Wren narrowed her eyes on a shocked Tony. The others assigned to the mission watch on silently as she hissed at the other man, "I don't want anything else from you or made by you, Stark."

His wide hurt eyes stare from her down to the trash can in despair. That she would cut off all of her hair rather than take his small peace offer had his heart pinching painfully in his chest. Staring down at the trash can his eyes caught sight of what he thought was Steve's Captain America logo peeking from underneath the chestnut colored hair. Without thinking he picked through the hair and held up what turned out to be a discarded bra. The realization hit him that it was the underwear set that he'd given Wren as a joke months ago. Confused brown eyes shift to stare up at her still scowling face. "You threw away your lucky underwear?"

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