What are you doing here?

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Wren's POV

Having been paged to the common living room via JARVIS, Wren saunters in and plops down in one of the arm chairs furthest away from everyone. Tucking back some loose strands of her chest length chestnut hair from her face that came loose from her bun she scanned the room for threats. Risk assessment. It was an old habit of hers that will never go away. As Henri always says, constant vigilance! Sure he stole it from Mad Eye Moody, but it had kept them alive this long.

Everyone, but Steve was assembled. Seeing as he was who they were waiting on she hoped he hurried up because she had shit to do. Eyeing everyone else she noted that they all were casually chatting and bantering with each other in a light hearted friendly manner. Tony and Bruce going on with their science bro stuff that went so far over her head. Natasha and Clint teasing each other acting more like siblings than partners and then there was Thor. He fit in with everyone. Dude was tall as hell. Handsome as sin and seemed as dumb as a bag of hammers most times, but get him going about the cosmos and the dude was as bad as the science bros.

They'd all known each other for at least the last two years. Romanoff and Barton knew each other longer, but then again the Avengers had only formed in 2012 and they had worked for SHIELD for years. Steve was their fearless leader who'd only been defrosted since late 2011, but he was alright. Stiff as a board most times, but he had a fun streak in him that only those closest to him saw. Now Wren and Steve weren't close per say, but they did have the start of a sibling type bond. He reminded her of Henri who really was like a big brother to her.

When Steve had said he was taking off for a week she hadn't asked questions. It wasn't like she was completely disinterested in the overgrown boy scout, she just didn't pry into his private business. They hadn't known each other long and if he wanted her to know he would have told her. Not asking personal questions was pretty par for the course these days for Wren. Keeping her head down and doing her job was all she wanted or needed to focus on. She was on the good guys team now.

If she wanted to know about her teammates it was a quick google search away. No need to go digging when there were plenty of news and magazine articles out there. Not to mention their files being dumped onto the net six months ago by the feisty redhead to her left. If anything she knew more about them than they knew about her. Sure the Crimson Sparrows were a subsect of Hydra, but Orien had kept them separate and off the books for a reason. Henri had been inline to take over from their Master and as far as Master's went they could have had worse.

Henri Richelieu had about as much of a choice in being a Sparrow as she did. Which is to say, none. Having each been taken as children and raised to be assassin's they had only each other as they grew up. Henri being five years older than her had protected her and taught her everything he knew. Taking Wren under his wing so to speak, but now he was on the run. Once Hydra and SHIELD had gone down so had the Crimson Sparrows.

Having nowhere to go she had decided after six months of being on the run that she was done. She was tired of all of the running and hiding. The constant looking over her shoulder and sleeping with one eye open. So she'd walked right up to Tony Stark with a manila envelope filled with her credited assassinations and various other assignments and turned herself in.

At first he thought it was a joke until she made sure to stand there while he read through the envelope. She didn't put up a fight. In fact she made it easy on him and had provided her own cuffs. The ones that were used on her to nullify her abilities. It had worked in her favor when he'd taken her back to the Avengers Tower straight to his office instead of a holding cell. What had shocked her even more was a couple hours later after an intense interview, Steve Rogers showed up and offered her a job. To become their asset and newest member of the Avengers.

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