His girl

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"Thanks for letting me borrow this bracelet. You're right, it does help tie together my outfit." Lifting her wrist Wren had Natasha clip on the beautiful fine white gold confection for her. Smiling the redhead told her it was nothing. "It's not nothing. I have 'sisters', but I've never had any that I ever shared things with like this, so thank you."

Taken aback by the emotional tone in Wren's voice Natasha stared at her for a second. "You think of me like a sister?"

Suddenly very uncomfortable by her show of vulnerability she began babbling. "Um, not if you don't want me to. I'm sorry. I've made this awkward. Forget I said anything." Taking a step backwards she tried to make a hasty retreat. "Thanks for the bracelet. I'll make sure to get it back to you tomorrow."

Seeing how flustered she was, the older woman grasped Wren's hand to pull her into a brief hug. "Wren, it's okay. I'd be honored if you wanted to call me your sister as long as you don't mind me adding you to my very short list."

Not sure how much more emotion she could handle she extracted herself from Natasha's hold. "Okay, you can't make me cry before my big date. You're going to ruin my makeup if you keep talking like that." Fanning her face Wren bites her lip jokingly, but not really. She knew that Nat understood how she felt having grown up in the Red Room.

A knock on Natasha's open door had both women turning to see Steve standing there dressed handsomely in matching black slacks and jacket with a white button down, but no tie. His eyes trailed down her body appreciatively as he held out his hand. "Hey there beautiful, are you ready to go?"

Grinning back at him she nodded. "Definitely."

Thanking Natasha one more time as she went to link her hand with Steve's as the other woman called out to them. "You two have fun."

Waving over his shoulder he sent a wink down at Wren who he couldn't stop looking at making her feel a little tingly by the heat in his eyes. "That's the plan, Nat." Loving his playful flirtatious side Wren bit her lip as she looked up at him from under her lashes almost forgetting her nervousness about tonight.

A comfortable silence follows them as they enter the elevator. She liked that Steve didn't chatter needlessly, that he could be content to just be with her. That is until he straightened up to his full height and a look of panic filled his eyes as he patted his pants and then his jacket as they reached the lobby. "Shit, I forgot my wallet. If we go back up right now we won't miss our reservation."

"Steve, breathe, it's okay. I'm not worried about reservations because we have all night." Calling out to the AI she tells FRIDAY to take them back up to his floor. Flustered he blushes at how forgetful he was. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm a little nervous about wanting tonight to go well."

Leaning in conspiratally she lowers her voice as she says, "Wanna know something? Me too."

"Wren Alouette nervous about anything? I can't believe it." He says, a doubtful expression on his handsome face.

"Oh I'm nervous, Rogers. Give me a mission where I'm being shot at by half a squadron of Sparrow's and I'll be as cool as a cucumber, but this. A legitimate date? I'm absolutely terrified." She laughed a little as she wrapped both of her arms around one of his.

He shoots her his cute crooked grin as they exit the elevator grateful for her being honest. Staring up at him, Wren didn't notice that Steve walked them right past his room until she was ushered ahead of him through the door next to his with a gentle push. She watched as he closed the door with an apologetic look on his face. Laughing at first thinking he was joking Wren treid to open it, but it was locked. "Ha ha Spangles, very funny."

"Wren, what are you doing here?" At the sound of Bucky's voice from behind her she froze. No!

Redoubling her efforts to pull on the doorknob she yelled at Steve to let her out. From her side of the door she could hear him command FRIDAY to put the room on lockdown. Frowning she tried to yank on door open with all of her strength, but she knew wouldn't budge not while on lockdown, but she had to try anyway. "Steve, let me out. This isn't funny!"

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