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Getting into their apartment that was across the street of the building they had under surveillance was easy when one of them could walk in completely unseen. It was staying silent and not slitting Bucky's throat that Wren was having a hard time with. They hadn't been here ten minutes and he was already going at her with the sexual innuendoes and small touches. Unpacking her things into her half of the dresser she told Bucky, "If any part of you touches me again I'm cutting it off. I don't care what promise I made to Steve."

Leaning against the wall next to the dresser with his arms crossed over his chest he said, "Oh come on, the guy isn't even home right now and won't be for a few more hours. Travers and O'Neil are on him until then. What else do you suggest we do with our time?"

Slamming the drawer shut she mirrored his stance of arms crossed. "Maybe our jobs. I'm going to finish setting up the cameras in his apartment and you'll make sure everything is connected and set up here."

Walking close, but not touching her he leaned down until they were face to face. "Okay, you go do that, but in the meantime maybe you can think of a way for me to not touch you in bed tonight."

Snorting out a laugh she turned around to grab the case of surveillance cameras and microphones. Carefully shoving them into the inner lining of her suit she headed for the front door. "Seriously Barnes, that's the best you can come up with? We'll be sleeping in shifts, no need to ever be in the bed at the same time. If there is a time that we fall asleep at the same time I'll sleep in the damn bathtub before I ever sleep next to you."

Turning invisible she opened the door enough to get out and softly closed it behind her. No need to gain the attention of their temporary neighbors. As far as any of them were concerned the apartment only had one occupant and that was Bucky. Wren still couldn't believe that she'd allowed Steve to convince her to do this job with that metal armed menace. Getting out of their building and into the one across the street was easy work. It was getting into Kent Richardson's apartment that was going to be a little difficult. Still nothing to worry about, she was a professional after all.

Once inside she relayed her position to Bucky and the other two agents assigned to watch over Richardson while he was out and about. "I'm inside. I'll need a two minute warning if he comes home to be able to get out cleanly."

Agent Travers came on the comm, the sounds of a restaurant coming through faintly along with his voice. "Copy that. He's currently in a lunch meeting that he just sat down for and looks to be here for a while if the bottle of whiskey is any indication."

Looking around at the over-decorated bachelor pad she spoke directly to Bucky. "Barnes, tell me if any of the cameras need to be reangled, otherwise stay silent."

"Yes, ma'am." Wren could hear his amusement at being ordered, but he kept his mouth shut since their conversation was being monitored.

Going silent Wren got to work setting up the cameras and microphones throughout his entire apartment as well as going through his office for any pertinent information. Taking pictures of a few interesting tid bits she sent them on to Maria as she downloaded his complete hard drive while setting up the access their people would need to watch every keystroke this guy made. After an hour and a half she let them know she was on her way back to their temporary apartment.

Becoming visible once she entered the bedroom they'd be sharing she took down her long hair, shaking it out as she grabbed out a change of clothes. Headed towards the bathroom she ignores Bucky who is sat facing the computers that were set up in the corner of the room triple checking that everything was working right. "Need any help in there?"

So close. She had been so close to not having any kind of comment from him and then he had to go and ruin it. Deciding to be the bigger person Wren politely declined as she gently set her earpiece on the dresser before closing and locking the door behind her, his signature chuckle coming through the door. Sighing she tipped her head back as she tossed her clothes on the counter. Three days and hopefully they'd get everything they needed, then she could go to the upstate location and away from Bucky.

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