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Shocked and in complete disbelief when she heard her boyfriend's news about Henri being alive and sitting in the team's kitchen, Wren immediately jumped out of bed ready to go see her best friend. It was then that Buck reminded her that she was naked and smelled like sex from last night and well into this morning. Grumbling under her breath she took a quick, but thorough shower, before getting dressed in the first clothes she could grab from their closet. Which happened to be one of Buck’s shirts and a pair of her ripped jeans. Impatient to see Henri but sort of shaky from her excitement she thought it best to not try and use her powers in case something bad happened. Instead she raced down the halls skipping the elevator and went straight to the stairwell to get to him as fast as she could with Bucky right on her heels. 

Banging through the door she panted as she slowed down to a fast paced walk. Stopping only when she saw him sitting there at the kitchen table with a half eaten plate of food. Heart frantically pounding in her chest Wren stood there frozen in place. Completely unaware of the other people in the room. Which was really saying something because three of the only people currently on her shit list were seated across and next to the man she never thought she’d see again. It was because Wren couldn’t stop staring at Henri and how thin he was that she stalled. Seeing how beaten down and so unlike the confident man she’d grown up with he looked. Once again the overwhelming guilt she felt with how comfortable her life had been since she joined SHIELD washed over her. Clearly life on the run hadn’t been nearly as easy as Henri had joked with her it would be. 

Taking a couple halting steps forward, Wren's mouth opened then closed unsure what to say. Still she would give it a try. Licking her suddenly dry lips Wren’s words come out shaky because of the tears clogging her throat. “Henri, I–”

Belle, it is so good to see you.” Henri’s smile was tired but it was still there. Using the table to help himself stand, he held his arms out for her to come to him. A sob mixed with laughter as she closed the distance to enter his embrace. Wren held back her gasp at the feel of his gaunt frame under his baggy clothes. 

His body was so thin. His complextion so pale. She wasn’t sure of all that had happened to him, obviously it wasn’t good. All Buck had told her was that he’d been captured and held for the last year or so before he’d been found and rescued. Being careful so as to not hurt him, Wren kept her arms light around the man who had always been there for her. Henri had been the first person to ever love her. Whose friendship and kindness had kept her from fully becoming the monster Bucky had thought she was when they reunited. Because without the man in her arms she would have gone down a dark path that she might never have been able to walk away from. Without him she would probably already be dead.

The others gave the two some space as Wren carefully helped Henri back into his seat so they catch up and so he could try and finish the bland food that would be easy on his stomach. Though they don't go far. Bucky joins the other three at the kitchen island after pouring himself a cup of coffee. He would have gotten her something to eat, but knew it would go to waste since she was too keyed up to eat. Not until she knew Henri was alright.

It wasn’t a hidden secret of her worry and concern for him. Clearly it filled her eyes when she saw that he was holding back how much pain he was in trying to keep up his brave facade. Resting one hand on his arm Wren cupped his face with her other to get him to look at her. “You don’t have to tell me now what happened. But don’t hide from me, mon cher. You’re in pain. Have you seen the doctor yet?”

Oui.” He nods to put her at ease. “The med bay was the first stop they took me to before my meeting with your Director. They offered me something for the pain, but I said no because I had to see you first and I knew whatever they would give me would knock me out once I relaxed.” Clicking her tongue she huffed out an exasperated breath barely holding herself back from smacking this stubborn ass upside his handsome head. “Don’t give me that look, petite soeur. You’d have done the same thing.” A reluctant smirk tugged at her lips at that because he was right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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