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( English is not my first language, and if I have mistakes please do tell, so I can changes them )

( I need names please )

~ 1 year later ~

Y/n pov~

My daughter is 5 years old now and my baby boys are 1 now, and  am doing great,

tho it's been like my whole life being in this body, I never get to go outside, like b*tch, I might sometimes imagine what is like to live in the past, and now that am here,. . . . . . I CAN'T EVEN STEP A FOOT OUTSIDE

So today that's what am going to do, I will annoy Seungho till he let me, I don't even know if he will or not probably not

, I know he kills people, but I really want to go outside, and maybe listen to some rumors 👀

And look at my night wear outfit, very tempting, I might make anyone horny by looking at me,


" what are you doing?" 

I jump a little about the sudden voice from behind me, I turn around seeing Seungho standing behind me, looking with bored eyes, i know this look, he want to fuck

" n-nothing? " I said more like question

" hn"

" actually am wondering if I could go outside in the market? "

" . . . . . why? . . "

" well, its been awhile since I go out" I said nervous, hoping he buy my excuse, 

" lucky you, am going to the market tomorrow," he said removing durumagi(?) into his sleeping clothes

" really! that's exciting! "

" hmmm"

" wait what are you going to do in the market?"

"why you care?"

" because am your wife "

"hm . . . . . you know those erotic books I have in my study?"

"hmm" nodding while sitting on the side of his body while he lays down

" the painter is living drunk, and I will change that"

"by?" I ask while leaning my body in this side, he lays on his side facing me

" he will paint erotic paints for me, "

" you sure?" I raise my brow at him " I doubt it" 

"shut up, now sleep or I will leave you" he said pushing my body away lightly, then lays on his back,, I look at him for a while before laying down and turning to my side,

He move to his side, he wrap his arm around my waist and pull to his chest, I feel a bulge at my side, he's hard, he started kissing my neck, while moving is hand down to my underwear, dubbing my cloth clit, I moan quietly,

" Hmm~"

" What? "

" You smell good~ "

I turn a little to look at him, with a flustered face, am still not used(?) How horny this man can be

" Ahhh!"
He bite my shoulder, while squeezing my breast that's is under my night wear, with a little milk coming out of them

" T-that's hurt~"

He make me lay on my back, pinning both of his hand on both side of my head, leaning down kissing me, I kiss back, then he pull away, looking at me with his lustful eyes,

" It's been awhile~ "


" Wake up "

painter of the night FanFiction ( female reader )Where stories live. Discover now