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Before you read the story, I just want to say thank you all for the 2K view, this is the first where people actually like my story, so am grateful for that, :)




3rd person pov~

After the couple get home with Lady Yoon is still thinking about the boy, who is unconscious being taken to the one of the carriage,

" Lady court Choi, take my wife and my children back to there room"

He order lady Choi to bring his family to there room,

" And where are you going?"

" I have some one to talk too "

" He said then walk away, leaving his wife looking at him

" Lady Yoon, let's go "

Lady Choi said, after she put the youngest member of the Yoon family to their stroller (?),

" Okay "

" The wife said then walk to her's and his husband room,

" Lady Choi can you please bring me some Tea,"

" Yes, Lady Yoon "

3rd person pov~

In a wonderful day, the sun is so high, the wind is blowing-


Really? am not even done with my part!

Servant: ??


" You're awake " Seungho said while the lowborn boy,look at him confuse,

" You can leave now " Seungho order the two servant,

" Yes, my lord,  " they both said then walk away from the place and with bang on the door as it close

" M-my lord. . . . .what I have done to warrant such a treatment? " The painter ask looking up on Master Yoon

" Let me ask again " he said while taking a book from his hanbok,

" This book of erotic paintings,  and this one too" he said as he throw the books infront of the painter

" these are your creations, are they not?" He said, looking at the painter who is tied in a wooden pole

" It is as I answered you before, my lord , at lavern, I did not paint them "the painter said, making Seungho Frown at the answer,

" Your quite the lier,  Aren't you "
Seungho said then walk to the painter, paint bag(?), Then throw it infront of the painter

" I found your bag of painting tools at Lavern " he said

Making the poor boy, sweat because he get caught lying


Seungho draw his katana

" I know those painting are yours "

Seungho said while pointing the tip of his (co*k) katana infront of the painter

" Not even a day has passed, have you already forgotten?"


Seungho drag his Kanata to the boy top showing his stomach

painter of the night FanFiction ( female reader )Where stories live. Discover now