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3rd person pov~

" I see there's no need for me to loosen up this filthy hole of yours" Seungho said while his middle finger is inside of Jiwha

" oh, you're too cruel. you are the one who made it so just last night. . . " Jiwha said as he look over his shoulder, "anyway, you are the one requires attending to, master Yoon. I shall help you get it up, if you'll allow. . ." before Jiwha can turn around to get it up, Seungho already push his dick in shocking him, before thrusting

" there's no need for that. not anymore" Seungho said while continue to thrust

" hmmph!"


"haa . . . ngh."

" hngh."


' how. . . ? he hasn't been able to get hard without me sucking him first. . .!' Jiwha said while being railed


"how. . .what happened. . .?"







y/n pov~

I look around to see an empty place beside me, I put on one of his durumagi with a black look, I look at the window standing up, with a slightly pain in between my legs, walking to the window opening the window for the morning wind to enter, looking outside for awhile before a knock is on my door,

" ma'am? are you awake? I have your breakfast"

" enter"

" ma'am, Ayumi said she want to eat dinner with you, "

" is it okay mama?"

" yes, sweetie-"

" wahhhh!"

the babies are crying, I took them one by one before breastfeeding them,

" mama? "

I look up to see my daughter, with a curious look on her face,

" yes?"

" where's papa?"

". . . . . I don't know-"

" am here, " I look at the owner of the voice to see him, my husband, our daughter stand up before running up to her father, Seungho immediately carry her, then enter the room, before looking at me, the put our daughter for her to continue to eat, he sit behind me before, putting his head on my shoulder looking the our sons feeding of my breast milk, before start to kiss my neck and shoulder, I gently glaring at him, before

" you woke up in a wrong side of bed?" he ask me then gently stroke our sons bed, as they drink more milk,

" where did you go?"

" Jiwha"

" hmm. . . atleast your honest"

" did you eat?"

" hmmm"

" papa, are you going to play with me?"

" hmmmm, , , ,maybe"

" but you said you will,"

" really I said that?"

" yes"

" . . . . . you little liar, "

" hahahahaha"

" you really are your mother daughter"

" you will, . . . . right?" our daughter said while look at his dad blankly, wow she really look like his father, oh my god

" . . . . .sure"

" yay!" she start smiling again,

oh, god. . . . .

painter of the night FanFiction ( female reader )Where stories live. Discover now