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Y/n pov~

I just finished breasted feed my two hungry boys, and already finish to change my day clothes before sitting on my and Seungho bed, he is in he's office, to 'take care some jobs', he could have done that earlier, but I have a felling that it's more than that, and am going to hang out with the painter tomorrow, I mean, why not?

3rd person~

" Get me information on ' Jung In-Hun,' the writer of this poem"

Seungho order the guard after he throws the poem on the floor,

" Yes, sir" the guard bow down at him then leave


"What an understanding man he must be. . . I'm beside myself with anticipation"

Painter of the night






3rd person pov~

blowing out the smoke out of Seungho mount, as the painter enter the room and kneel infront of Seungho, and start apologizing ,

"I am sorry, my Lord"

the painter said while Seungho look at the boy

" for what?" he ask

"for what happened that day. . . I was so flustered that I spoke out of hand, sir. I did not mean anything I said, about being consumed by lust and whatnot. " the boy said

Seungho look at his side to the window while blowing out the smoke, before speaking

". . . fine, you are forgiven." he said making the boy face lit up in hope

". . . "

". . ."

". . ."

" . . . what are you still doing here, in my line of sight?" Seungho ask looking at the boy face

the boy let out his palms open before saying, " may I have the p-poem. . . back. . .?"

"what are you talking about?" he ask before continuing "I clearly told you that I would return the poem when you begin painting for me." he said while looking at the boy

"b-but you just said you forgive me, sir." the boy stuttered,

"what does my forgiving you for your vulgar speech have to do with the poem?"

" but. . .that. . that isn't fair! please give it back to me! it was found in my bag of paintbrushes, was it not?"

"I said I will return it when you paint for me."

"I beg you, my Lord , please give it back!" the boy beg more but Seungho not having it

"stop!" he said to the boy before turning his head back to the window,

" If you have no intention of painting, be off,"









*sign* the boy sign as he lean to the door before looking up to see the Lord wife

painter of the night FanFiction ( female reader )Where stories live. Discover now