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3rd person pov~~

In a cold warm night, the moon is out and there's a couple cloud, in a quite traditional mansion, a painter lays on there bed, fully tuck in, and sleeping peacefully but someone put the tie around his head to his eyes, and yank him, as they pull his top to reveal his top body



". . . You haven't even lost your virginity. . . And yet you draw men making love in such detail." Said the man as he push the painter head with one hand while sitting on his back and use the painter top to tie both ot his arms together on his back,

"Tell me." The man continue as he moves his hand to slip his index finger to his mouth while stroking his back, "you held your breath. . . " He continues while slipping the painter pants down,

". . . And watched, did you not, from beginning to end. Hips thrusting upward, again and again. . .hands groping here and there" He said as he grope the painter🍑

". . .and licking of skin" he continues as he lick the painter somewhere (idk okay)

". . . And all the caresses." He continues as he untied the ties around the painter eyes

The tie fall down as the painter look from his shoulder to see, Master Yoon,

Master Yoon take a couple of the painter hair griping at it hard, before talking again,

"Now, which of them all aroused you the most "

(Your wife-👀)


"Ugh!!!" The painter shouted as he sit up, and woke up with cold sweat because of his nightmare, he continues to pant while leaning his forehead to his arm,





A man reading (bl) when a young girl walk up and called for him


The man look up from the book to the girl, before the girl continues

"Please, look! Look how beautiful this leaf is. " the girl exclaimed as she show the man the beautiful leaf, before placing the leaf on top of his book "it's for you, sir." The girl said

" What a pretty leaf, indeed. Thank you" the man smiles at the girl, and when the girl run off, he remove the leaf from his book letting it fall on the ground

"Excuse me. Are you the learned sir Jung In-Hun? " Said from his back, the learned sir named Jung In-Hun turn his back to see, Master Yoon and a servant


"Why might a son of the illustrious Yoon family find his way here, to such a shabby dwelling?" In-Hun said as he place a cup of tea(?) For Seungho,

". . . I changed upon a poem that you wrote, sir Jung." Seungho said as he take a sip from the tea,

"I could not help myself from exclaiming at its excellence." Seungho continue

"My poem? Where did you. . ." He pause as Seungho pit the cup down and speak

"I received it from a servant who is working for me at the moment. Perhaps you know a fellow called "Baek Na-kyum"? "

"Oh" the learned sir

"Yes, I taught him to read and write. He would follow me around everywhere. . .I do remember that I once spotted him painting something vulgar, for which I scolded him severely." The sir said while having his hand holding his chin in a thinking manner

"I see. . ." Seungho smile(?) At the sir before speaking again

"You said you taught him to read and write. May I ask what you are doing in this village?" Seungho said as he picked up a book from a shelf before turning to In-Hun again

"I teach letters to children here." In-Hun answer as he look at Seungho

"Ah, you are a teacher of letters?"

" Yes, well. . . I consider it a diversion. As they are the children of farmers and other ignorant folk. . ." After the sir finished he snatch the book from Seungho before placing it back to the shelf, as Seungho look at his empty hand,

"I don't gain much pleasure from teaching, and so I just leave them be, mostly"


"They are destined to become farmers after all. I would not be more beneficial for them to play in the dirt and the mountains from early on?" In-Hun said as he look from his shoulder to Seungho, who's face have change

"You raise a good point, sir. Tho I doubt my wife would like to hear that. To think you give n such thought to the futures of those children. . . You are truly a man of great character." Seungho said and he make sure to not let the man hear what he said about his wife

"Haha. Still, it is shameful. . ."

". . .that a rare talent such as yourself, with such upright values and foresight. . .should remain in the countryside as a teacher." (Burn) "what would happen then to the future of this country?" Seungho continue as he pick up his cup again

"Indeed. I have been waiting for the right time to come." The sir said ignoring the insult part

"Haha ' the right time ' you say. . .my good sir, no matter how great your character or wisdom. . .it will be difficult for such qualities to shine without support. Allow me to help you." Seungho stated the man grin

To be continued

painter of the night FanFiction ( female reader )Where stories live. Discover now