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y/n pov~

sitting in the carriage along with my children, my daughter is saying her goodbye to Ahn because they become really close for a short amount of time, and I even got to have conversation to his brother, but we already spend a week here and I don't want to be a bother anymore, even thought he wanted me to stay for more days but the kids misses their father and I don't want to be a bad parent if I refuse to let them spend some time with their father after being separate for a week, which the kids are not use to.

"come on now, Ayumi, it's time to go now"

"okay mommy!, babyee uncle Ahn," she says her last goodbye again before she sit in her seat, then the carriage start to move after Ahn talk to the coachman to be careful on our way,

if your asking me, I am nervous, because it's the longer I never get contact to my husband especially with our children with me, I didn't even write him a letter, or our daughter, but anyways it's too late to think about that, let's hope for the best I guess






we reach the gate of the household and the kids are asleep thankfully because I have to check if there's no blood or something, the door is close, and when the door opens a beat up servant greets me before he start to run to his master, shouting like a pig

"they. . . " I raise my brow at him

"they're here. . .!!"

"M-MASTER!!!" the servant run inside, he didn't even greets me, wow


"how insolent. . " I mumbled, before walking inside following him





" please, forgive us, master. . . " a servant plead

"forgive us. . "

"forgive us"

"they're here?"




I stop seeing a mess up husband that I left for a week, he didn't even stop for a minute, before a pull me into a tight hug, like he wanted to suffocate me, we stay like this for a while before he hurry to pull me with him into our chamber

as soon as the door close, he pull me into a rough kiss


we keep making out, and moving around the place trashing it up, lamp getting knock over, and clothes getting thrown off and away our body

"did you have fun there, huh?" he whisper as he bit my nipples

"mmph. . .!!"

"hgnh. . ."

". . . well then, what exactly did you do in that bastard estate?" he said as he look at me deep into my eyes, he looks like he haven't been able to sleep properly

"did you ask him to marry you?"

"my husband is not treating me right," he mocked as he moves his hand to remove my hanbok

"he hurts me and don't love me anymore" he mocked more,

"is that what you told him?"


hiii, an update before I sleep, hehe, goodnight, or morning

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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