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". . . Why my lord? Why did you bring sir In-Hun. . . " Na-kyum ask as he face Seungho, then a feminine voice is heard from Seungho back,

"Your face was utterly transformed. Do you like the fellow?" Y/n ask Na-kyum as a huge blush come to his cheeks, as the wife smile in amusement,

"W-why. . . did you call him here?" He ask again as he ignores the wife comment,

"Did I not tell you earlier? He come here follllr you" Seungho said as he step forward inches away from Na-kyum, as Na-kyum stare up from him,

"If you paint for me. . .I will ensure that he is a post in the government." Seungho over,

"S-sir In-Hun. . .has the ability, even without help. . ." Na-kyum defend the learned sir,

"But he hardly knows anyone, and has not wealth to speak of. However great He's determination, he will labor in vain, I am afraid. If you truly want the learned sir to achieve greatness. . .come to my sleeping chamber tonight." Seungho said, as he brush the small hair on his forehead, the retreat his hand as he continues, " I will be waiting for you." Seungho said

Na-kyum flinch a little when the wife hugs him from behind while putting her head on his shoulder, looking at Na-kyum through the side of her eyes,  before giving him a quick peck on the cheek, the look at Seungho still hugging Na-kyum,

"You two look a like" Seungho comment as he pull his wife away from the painter, giving her a kiss on the head as he pull her closer to him,


". . ." The boy stands in silence outside Seungho room as he thought about In-Hun,

"It has led to a great opportunity for me."  He recalled what his crush have said earlier

' sir, In-Hun. . . it'll just for a bit. . .am sure he'll understand. . .since all of this is for him. . .!' the boy though, as he open the bedroom door, with a creaking sound, Seungho look at the door to see Na-kyum, the painter he's waiting for,

"You came!!" Seungho exclaimed as Na-kyum look around the room full of half naked man, with ink and shattered paper messing around the room . . . .and without. . .the wife

"What are you doing?" Seungho ask looking at his side,"don't just stand there. Come in"


Y/n pov~~

The bastard, he locked me up here so he can have fun with his man whores, ugh!

'The bastard! If I manage to get out of here, I will run away! And never come back!, You horny bastard, ' I though as I walk to the window to see if am high of the ground, and . . . No am not,

I step my foot out of the window carefully climbing down, when I get down, it's sneaky mode, I tip toeing to the gate where is close and am sure have guards outside, and I will be only get drag back inside if I get caught,

Time skip~~

Am outside now and I felt bad. . . .for my children, especially the babies and I don't think there's some formulas made yet, okay changed plans, I will run back inside take the babies then run away, pay someone to build me a restaurant that have a house upstairs, and if your wondering, how about Ayumi?, Well Ayumi is the heir, she will have better life there than to me,


Wait a minute. . . Am an noble what am I doing, anyway, let's go,


I pay for a cabin before placing the babies on the bed, and I sleep on the flour,

The next day, I went out and look for some workers, that will build my restaurant, and after an 1 hour I found some people that builds, they ask all the important thing, like how big and how tall, and I saw big enough for a wild prize restaurant and tall enough to have a living quarters upstairs, and they said that will do their best to build it and make me satisfied,

If you think looking for those kind and not rude men is easy, your wrong, all of the famous men's and nobles that builds, look down on me, because am a girl, the pain on my legs and breasts, I bought some food to eat then goes back to the cabin, thank the owner of the cabin for looking after my babies, and of course pay them, I look at my babies to see them looking at me already, with grabby hands, I smiles then pick both of them up, them feed them, then after that I eat,

Time skip~~

The restaurant is done and since I got some extra money I also ask for a small house and they build it after, and of course I pay for it all, thank them, and of course ask if they do interior and they said yes, and I take them in the town after we plan it all out, am kinda surprised that Seungho haven't found me yet, am not that far,

So the house is done and the restaurant is all done too, an with the interior, and I already hire 5 workers in the restaurant and 2 maid for the babies and to clean the house while I run the business, and people slowly going in, and they leaves a very good reviews,

We have foreigners coming to this places and eat,  and also there's two different kind of menu, the normal one, and the going modern one, you modern food and you can also take out, and my restaurant is really famous at valentine's, and dates, I cock, serves and entertain people as they eat, like singing, and maybe showing them how to eat them properly and what are they, I guess


So we changing all I have in mine, this story is a mess

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