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Y/n pov~

I walk to my and Seungho bedroom to see him, looking at the moon, I know he is piss because the painter didn't paint,

I sign and walk up to him, and hug him from behind

" Seungho? Are mad?"

" . . . .not really, as you heard earlier I will wait, "

" But your not a patient man "

" I know, I know, "

" Let's go to bed, am tired "

" Hmm? I want another round, can you?"

He said while taking my hand, and putting it on his bulge that is twitching, and he rub himself using my hand,

" Hm~"

" Seungho?"

" Baby you go for a round right?"

". . .  Y-yes. . "

"Good girl "


" Haa"

" Ha"

" Noo~~, I thought were only- ahh! . . .doing a round~. . .ughh! "

" Ha. . . . Your too sexy, baby I can't stop "

He said while snapping his hip into mine from underneath me, am supposed to ride him, but he get inpatient and start to thrust himself into me, not waiting for me to adjust to his size, even though we did it alot of times I still can get use to it, and he get more horny because my breasts milk are leaking because of  overstimulated,

(Idk if that's true)

He latching at your swollen nipple, as he hold your hip in place as he continues to snap his hip to your

you one hand supporting for upper body so you won't fall on top of him, while suck on your nipple, and the other hand is holding your other breast so it won't bounce painfully,

" Ahh!. . . . Ahh! . . Seungho!, Seungho~~!"

" Say that again " he said as he stop his rough assault and he pulls out, leaving only the tip of his dick as you shiver,

" Seungho! Ahh!"

" Louder "

" Ahh! . . . . Seungho!"

" Louder!"


He keeps on slamming inside of me, til we cum together

" Ahh!"

I moan loudly as he groaned as I tighten around him,

He rub his hip to mine to help with our high, when we calm down his grip on my hip loosen and I fall on top of him, low on energy, I lay on his hard chest, loosing conscious,

" Don't fight your sleep, baby, you did great, good night "

I hum softly before falling asleep


Short chapter. . .

Sooo. . . . . . First smut that I published so be nice

And let me what you think, I really want your opinion, so I can improve,



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