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Y/n pov~

Seungho and Ayumi are back at the Yoon estate and it's been awhile since I last visited them, so after I shop some ingredients and some extra stuff, I will visit them,

But let's start shopping

Flour and salt is really is expensive in this era, but in modern days not even a dollar you can some, but here we need gold,

A/n: katulad ko, ✨ G O L D ✨

and I heard some people talking about, someone,

"Have you heard?" The person ask,

' no I haven't heard'

"What is it this time?"

"It's about the madman of the an family . You haven't heard the rumours?"

'madman, pfft-'

"what? About Ahn Geumhu?

'Ahn Geumhu? It's that a noble? I think I heard that name before'

"I heard that the tiger's son cries out every night because he's being possessed."

'I bet he need exorcism'

"The tiger's son?"

"Oh, you don't know about the pariah?"

Okay I think that enough chismis, let's just go to the butchers shop(?) To by some meat and then go home,

As I walk I noticed a familiar servant I saw before, I think he's my best friend servant,

Wow! It's been a while since I saw Mr. Song Deok, I think ever since I got married, I hurries to go to Mr. Song Deok,

"Hello! Mr Song Deok! How are you?"
I greet him as he jump a little,

"Oh my lord- Lady Y/n please! Don't do that again!,. . . Anyway, what are you doing here?" He ask me as we walk

"Well, am sure you heard I have a restaurant now, and being the owner I have to be responsible and buy the best products, so am here to by some meat!" I told him, as he look at me surprised

"Hold on,. . .  Did you run away to able to have a restaurant?" He ask me, as I avoid his eyes as I sweat drop,

"N-no? "

"Lady y/n, *sign* have you come back to the Yoon estate yet?"

"Hmm? . . . Oh I visit them every month, anyway how's Ahn?" I ask him trying to avoid the talk about me running away, and honestly I don't think it's work but it did

" Oh? The young master? Well he's still the same, though he's been more lonely ever since you got married" Mr Deok said, worried covers his face as he remember how lonely Ahn is

"Don't worry Mr. Deok, I will visit him in this coming days, don't worry!" I said determined

Time skip~~

"What do you mean the butcher's shop isn't open?" Mr. Deok ask

"I apologize" the shop keeper apologize lowering his head

"This is bad. The young master won't be happy about this" Mr. Deok said making the shop keeper curious

"What would you need animal's blood for anyway?" The shop keeper ask him,

"He said, he's using it as medicine"  Mr. Deok said,


"Yes. Medicine for lord Ahn's younger brother" Mr. Deok said before he dismissed us and we continue to walk back to the town near my restaurant


"Mr. Deok is Ahn still . . . .you know going to the prostitute house?" I ask him when we are in front of my restaurant,

"Well. .  Yes Lady Yoon, nothing really that much change to Lord Ahn," he said then, look at the time

"Anyway, Lady Yoon, it's nice seeing you again, please visit Lord Ahn soon, I have to go" he bid his farewell before walking back to his Lord estate

"Lady Yoon?" I heard one of my workers called to me as they stand beside me


"It's their no meat at the butcher shop?" They ask

"No, one of the butcher pass away and they have tradition to follow, their be no meat at the menu for now" I said as I walk back to my office to collect my important stuff before bid my goodbyes then, walk to my carriage, as the driver to go back to Yoon estate

" Mommy!" Ayumi shout in joy as she saw me coming down the carriage, the maids gets my stuff for me then, Ayumi ask me me to carry her, so I did, and I order the maids to prepare some warm bath for me and the twins,

"Mommy, mommy, I got 5 stars from my teacher, earlier!" She told me happily as I kiss her forehead, then she snuggles her head on my shoulder

"Really! That's good, did you already tell Daddy about that?" I ask her as we walk to mine and Seungho bedroom,

"Yes! "

"What did Daddy says?"

"He told me that I did great and that he will give a pet next monday if I continue getting 5 stars!" She throws her hands in the air feeling proud of herself,

"Then you better be getting 5 stars always then!"



"Why are my babies so loud?" I jump a little when I heard Seungho voice behind me, I look at him before bring Ayumi down so she could run to his father,

"Am back, dear" I said softly before giving him a kiss

"Good" that's what he only said as he put Ayumi down, so he can lay down with his head on my lap,

"Hmm . . . ."

"Do you want something?" I ask him,

"Well. . .I want another baby" he said looking directly into my eyes,

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