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Y/n pov~~

I woke up, not that sore, because he's not that rough,I don't think he is ever rough with me,

I look beside me to see him sleeping he's a bit cute when sleeping, I then remember what I said to my excuse of an husband, (I would rather marry Stolas than him-)

*Sign* I sat up and dress into my clothes from the evening, then go to our bedroom to pack some clothes and tell the servant to ready my bath so we can leave, and I haven't seen him, surprisingly because normally he would be appearing put of no where, and ask stupid things, he already know the answer,

"Madam, the bath is ready"

"Alright, I'll be there"

After that I take a shower and the servants help me get dressed, I ask them to put luggage in this era to the carriage,

"Mommy!!" Ayumi call for me as she run to me then hug me

"Hello, my baby,. .  Ready to go?" I ask her, "mommy. . . Is daddy not coming with us?" She ask, "no, he will not" I said as I help her go inside, my twins are already here,

As the carriage about to move I look at the estate to see him staring at the carriage with his hand behind him, holding his pride, ugh. . If only you didn't argue with me last night we won't be leaving this early, you and your stupid pride,

"Bye! Daddy! I will miss you!!" Ayumi shouted good bye at her dad, as he wave his hand shortly after, and when we can't see them now, "eomma?" Ayumi called out, "yes?" "Why appa is not with us?" "Because your dad is. . . Busy with something" I said to my Daughter, '  more like someone'  I look at her, to see her playing with her baby brothers,

"Mommy, Seuhyang look like daddy and Seun also look like daddy but he have a mole on his neck like me and mommy!" She point at the difference of the twins now you know and won't get confused because they identical twins that are a carbon copy of seungho but as Ayumi said  Seun have a mole on right lower neck, but it's always hidden because Seungho want it that way,

"Your right!, Also I haven't ask what you did in academia this week! Did you do greta?" I smile after I ask her

Boring chapter
Hi again

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