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Ahn pov~~

I just received a letter from my love thought she's already married, what the letter says

Dear Ahn

I will be visiting you with my children and I do hope my Husband allows it, even though the chances are low I still want to visit you and for you to meet my children, and am sure you and Ayumi will have a lot of fun, and I do hope you wouldn't mind the babies cries at the middle of the night, they usually do that but sometimes they do not, anyway I really really miss you and I can wait to meet you again

Love Y/n

Isn't she lovely, even though I courted her as the some time her husband courted her, but of course she can only pick one, I still remember her having a hard time picking between us, even though am much fit to be hers as she is fit to me mine, she still choose the other one, ughh

"Lord Ahn, Lady Yoon is here with her children" a servant said outside my door, "alright, let me greet her" I stand up and place my katana in my desk before wearing my Durumagi the proper way, I mean it's not like she haven't seen me without it, I want to make a good impression to her children,

"Hello my love" I greet her, "hi~ Ahn it's been a while" she smiles so bright before hugging me really tight as I hug her, placing my head to her shoulder while wrapping my arm around her waist, I look behind her to see a very curious girl, must be her first born or daughter,

"Hello, dear, what's your name?" I ask Ayumi her name even though I already know it,

"Hi! My name is Yoon Ayumi! And am 4 " she said while holding 4 of her fingers, very cute, like her mother

"Well, Ayumi I'm Ahn Geumhu you can call me, . . . . Uncle Ahn" I said while sitting over to for us to be on eye to eye,

"You have a pretty eyes!" Ayumi compliment me, " thank I like your cute nose" I said, then I heard some baby sounds, I stand again and look at the two stroller, I walk up to them to see them playing but when they saw me, they smiles bright as their mother while rising their cute chubby hands, I chuckled a little then turn to my love and this time am the one who hug her, while snuggling my head into her neck


Y/n pov~

After a while Ahn and Ayumi are already close and the twins are sleeping at the nursery here, and me? Well I take a walk, alone, because it's been awhile since I've been here, so I want to explore to see if there anything new,

While walking I come across a two maids gossiping (ahem) in the corner of the slightly open double door

"Oh my, how monstrous" the maid in blue said

"What's a butcher doing here?" The maid in brown said

"Lord Geumhu brought him here yesterday" ( am absolutely confused)

"I swear I've seen him somewhere"

"There's that rumor on the streets. The windows were fighting like cats over a butcher man."

"Goodness! And that's him, ya say?"

"I heard that when it comes to nightly relations, no one is better than him. Lady Choi's gone mad over him. . ."

"My my, the women whose husband died? But how did she start rolling in the hay with a butcher..."

"Mm, I can see why"

'I also can see why~~ hot damn, aren't you smoking hot~ roarrrr~~' (tf-)


"What's his name anyway?"

"I'm told he had no name and they called him 'nobody', so lord Ahn named him. . ."

"Beom" I jump slightly when I heard Mr. Deok besides me, I look at him in slight panic he caught me gossiping, oh no

"Ha Ha Ha, hi there Mr. Deok" I wave,
"Lady Yoon it's nice to see you again"
"Yeah, Ha Ha" awkward, "I see you haven't changed a bit my lady, still the gossip girl I know" , " ah Mr. Deok I less gossip now"

"*Chuckle* anyway, have you finished collecting all the blood?"

"Yes, nearly" he look over his shoulder then he pick up the basin full with blood and hurried to bring it to Mr. Deok,

"Here you go" Beom said while Mr. Deok shivers at the smells, Am kinda used to it, I mean I cook "ugh! The stench!"

"Leave it and go wash up, goodness, you reek, come after you've washed up at that well over there. The master is calling for you"


' wow, so obedient but. . . Isn't the weather turning cold now? Am pretty sure the water is all cold now, that would be a shivers, and all the hair of my body stands by the thought of it,'

"Lady Yoon?, "

"Ah yes??, Lord Ahn is looking for you" a maid said then she hurried away, " alright" I look at Beom one more timw before I walk to where Ahn usually it, I think


"My lord, you must be hungry, please eat before it gets cold" Mr. Deok said

"How is Eun-hoo?" Ahn ask, "master Eun-hoo ate some pine nut porridge and is resting again.

"Thanks to that butcher, we now have medicine as well, good"

"Would you like to see the young master?" Mr. Deok ask, and if you're wondering, am eating listening, "no, I don't want him catching anything from me, that's all-" he stop making me look up to see him staring behind me I look and see Beom, by the well

"What is he doing?" Ahn ask "he was covered in blood so I told him to to wash himself, my lord" Mr. Deok said as Beom pour a bucket full of water over him, ' wow look at that view, so beautiful and worth seeing'

"The water must be cold, but it seems he doesn't feel it" I said, while picking up my cup to take a drink, he made me thirsty,.


Soooo, I felt really responsible for not updating and the reason I updated is because am alone and I just finish at least 6+ assignment and they some of them are given today and due tomorrow, but i finished them all, and am at desk, and I said am going to update, so I updated, HORAYY✨🥳

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