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"Haha ' the right time ' you say. . .my good sir, no matter how great your character or wisdom. . .it will be difficult for such qualities to shine without support. Allow me to help you." Seungho stated the man grin


In a crowded countryside village, the learned sir is one of them, he walk as he recalls what Seungho have said to him,


3rd person pov~

"My family, the Yoons, have a quite a reputation. But since my grandfather passed away, there hasn't been anyone who followed in his footsteps and took up Government post. However, our influence remains considerable. It would be more than enough to support a scholar with a bright future." Seungho said as the learned sir stand up and walk a few steps then turn a little to the side to face Seungho again,

"What is it you want from me in return?" The learned sir asked him,

Seungho stand's up on the stone slab before speaking,

"Only that. . . When you begin working in some government post. . . That you do not forget me, Yoon Seungho. " Seungho said as he place his right hand on his chest while looking at the learned sir in the corner of his eyes,

"The I shall await your response."


Seungho hand the poem back to the kneeling painter as he remove his durumagi and the painter stares the paper."Go on take it. My arm is growing weary."

"Th-thank you, my lord" Na-kyum take the paper with both hand, looking at it

'He changed his mind all of a sudden. . . What does he have up his sleeves?' he thought while sweat drop glances at female in the room to find her already staring at him, the wife smiles at him, as a small blush creep up his cheeks, he flinch when the oldest servant Seungho have talk from behind him,

"Master Seungho." He calls as the three people stare at him

"Sir Jung In-Hun us here to see you" the servant points, Na-kyum stare at the servant in shock at the name that the servant says,

"Show him inside." Seungho order the servant

"S-sir. . . Sir Jung In-Hun?. . . H-how can this be, my lord, why is the learned sir here. . ." Na-kyum ask Seungho as Seungho put his durumagi back on, as the wife scoff at him, as he ignores his wife

"What are you doing? Hurry and go greet him. He has come all  this way to see you. Do not waste his time." Seungho lied. (if my teacher come to see me, I would be hiding 👀)

"Me?" The painter is in confusion

"My teacher. . .come to see me. . .?" The painter rub the back of his nech before blushing, then run out, as the couple stare at him (we have a completely different reaction)

"The painter have a crush" the wife comment as the husband stare at his wife, before going up to her and kissing her lips for a good minute, before saying, "shut up" making the wife mood sour


'it is clear that this is a house of influence. . .' In-Hun though as he look around the place satisfied, before a loud called come from behind,

"Sir. . .!" He look to see his past student running up to him,

The student take his teacher with both hand, as the teacher stare in disgust,

"Have. . .have you come to see me, sir?" The student blushy smile at his teacher, and the teacher cover his disgusted face with a fake smile

". . .of course!" The teacher lied, as he place both of his hand on top of his student shoulders, "I heard from master Yoon. . . That you have been speaking highly of me, Na-kyum." The teacher said as the student stare at his teacher in confusion,

". . .sorry?"

"It has led to a great opportunity for me. I must thank you" the teacher smile eyes close to him, before stepping a bit from the side as Seungho greet him,

"Welcome. Sir Jung."

"Ah. Master Yoon!"

"A servant will show you to your quarters." Seungho said as Na-kyum stare at him from his shoulder

"Thank you"

painter of the night FanFiction ( female reader )Where stories live. Discover now