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The new cookie

(Licorice POV)

I've been working for dark enchantress cookie for not even 3 months but think I'm her favorite. She always wants ME to lead the missions always complements ME and everything thing she does just show how much she love ME!
Everything was perfectly fine until he came...
Red velvet

I still remember the day we met. I was just talking to to poison mushroom and all of a sudden a cake hound comes out of no where!
Then this tall red cookie comes out with a broken leash.
"CHIFFON! What have I said about running to far ahead this is the 5th leash this month! Are you proud of your self?!"
The red cookie held the broken leash up to the hounds face. In that moment the hound apparently named "chiffon" started to wine and plopped down on it stomach.
The red cookie picked up the little hound and looked up and me and mushroom.
"My apologies my name is red velvet cookie I was recently hired to control the cake tower and this is my pup chiffon." The red cookie said has he held the hound with one and and put his other hand out for me the shake.
"I didn't know dark enchantress was hiring also why did you name a cake hound those things are meant for battle not to get attached to." I said ignoring red velvet hand.
"Well chiffon is not a battle hound he's my pet dark enchantress said I could keep him as a welcome gift."
Red velvet glared at me I couldn't tell his emotion he was just straight faced with no tone in his voice either. What's wrong with this dude. I thought.
Just then mushroom spoke up and broke the silence.
"Soooo daark enchaaaantresssss isss leeetting usss haaave petss now?"
Mushroom spoke with their odd talking manner
"NO dark enchantress cookie never said we could have pet nor will she ever this cookie is probably lying to us." I snapped back.
"Buuut yoouuu haaave baaat-caat."
Mushroom stared at me with their big round eyes and refusal to blink.
I yell back at the child. I can't believe they thought my battle mate was a PET!
Just then me and mushroom realize that red velvet had walked away and left me and mushroom to argue.

Me and mushroom decided to go back to our houses and get some rest so we could be ready for battle tomorrow.

(In licorice's house)

I stared at my ceiling in my bed just think about that guy.
How come he looked so emotionless and serious I guess he's just weird.
I turn over to my side and close my eyes.
Tomorrow I will get red velvet to show some kind of emotion!

Hey so this is the end of chapter one I hope y'all enjoyed I will be working on chapter two later but for now ima talk to my friends

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