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(Red velvets POV)

"I- I have to go.."
Licorice try's to leave the bed but I grab his hand

"Wait! Just tell me what's wrong!!"
I started to actually show concern

"N-no I'm fine I don't need your help..."
Once again licorice tries to get up but a pin him to the the bed.

Licorice starts to ball his eyes out and I realize that I had gotten to harsh with him..

I hug licorice while still pinning him. He hugs me back while crying into my shoulder. We stay like that for awhile just cuddling until I realize once again that I can't have feelings for him and let go.

"I'm sorry" I said licorice still pinned to the bed.

Then all of a sudden licorice grabs me face and kisses me. His lips are so soft. I kiss back and licorice wraps his arms around me. We sit there just kissing I completely forget my parents rules and that I'm only allowed to date girls but what ever this is the best kiss I've ever had.

Licorice soon breaks off the kiss and we both start panting.

"I- I'm sorry I couldn't help myself."
Licorice said. I guess he was apologizing for kissing me so suddenly.

"No no it's ok..." I said back trying to keep the emotionless state on my face.

Me and licorice spend the rest of the day just cuddling and talking about our life.

Soon licorice goes home and I get a call from my mother.

"Hi sweetie." she says over the phone
"Hello mother." I reply
"So I know how your having trouble getting a girlfriend so I decided to ask around and this very rich girl said that she was interested!!"

"WHAT?!?!?" I yelled back
"I know I know it's out of no where but I really think you should try her. She's very sweet and I think you two would get along nicely." My mother said.

I couldn't tell her I was already interested in someone because if you found out that it was a guy I would probably die.

"O-ok mother." I said hoping that maybe this girl will break it off once she realize I was emotionless.

"Greeeeat!! I set you two a date on Wednesday 1:00pm so be sure to get a suit tomorrow so you can look nice and handsome!!"

Mom ended the call and I layed in my bed just starring at my ceiling..
How the hell am I going to explain this to licorice.... Or I won't. Yes I like licorice but I must live up to my parents expectations. I'll just ignore licorice and hope that he will forget about me.....

(Licorice's POV)

After I got home I flopped on my bed faced down and just started screaming.
"I KISSED HIM!!!! OH MY FUCKEN GOD I KISSED HIM!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEK" I screamed into my pillow.
"God boss you sound like a annoying teenage fan-girl." Bat-cat said
"Maybe we should leave him be and let him fan-girl over this cookie..." Schwarzwälder said.

Bat-cat and Schwarzwälder leave my room and I get undressed and fill my head with happy thoughts of me and red velvet..

(The next day💃🕺)

I hop out of bed and check the time. I looked at the clock that said..... 1:00PM!!!!!
Shit shit shit red velvets probably thinks I'm ignoring him!!!
I grab my phone and saw that there were no missed messages from red velvet so I decided to text him

Red velvet

Heyyy red vel 🖤
Seen 1:01

❤️‍🔥Hello licorice. I'm on a date right now so do you mind not talking to me.
Seen 1:02

A date???🖤
Seen 1:02

Delivered 1:03

Delivered 1:04

A date?!?! What did he mean??? With who??
I can't believe it....after all that..After the kiss....
He's just going to throw me to the curb like that....
I thought he was better but I guess he is like everyone else.......

⚠️‼️TW SELF-HARM‼️⚠️

I started thinking of doing it again......there's no point not to I'm not going to get clean anyways I'm just useless and can't even handle heartbreak without have to cut my fuck body open....

I grab a blade from by my bed bed and roll up my sleeves and just start cutting....right there in my bed
God I'm so fucken useless I can't even get up to go to the bathroom...all this because of some stupid boy that I kissed once...this is my fault.... I shouldn't have trusted him I knew he wasn't going to love me......

Just then crepe walked into my room.....

Guuueeeessss who got left on a cliff hanger...........YOU DID😁✌️
Sorry this part was short I'm currently writing this at 4am and I'm going on a date tomorrow🤩✌️ anyways byyyyyeeeee❤️❤️❤️

Love of darkness (red velvet x licorice)Where stories live. Discover now