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Better than me

( licorice POV)
I wake up from my slumber and look over to my alarm clock.
Holy fuck!!! Its 12:00pm I must have had a good dream so good I can't even remember it!
I jump out of bed and put on my robe I forgot to put anything else under it so I was only wearing boxers.
I go to the door put on my platform boots and grab my scythe.

God I hope I didn't miss anything!
I get to where everyone is pomegranate is sitting with mushroom dark choco is sitting alone in a corner reading crepe is trying to fix a cake bot and then I see the newest cookie red velvet play with his hound.
I decide to sit next to red velvet and his "chiffon"

"Hello there new cookie! You saw me yesterday but I never really gave you my name since I got carried away with something else. But now is a good time to tell you my name which is licorice cookie I'm the favorite cookie so if you ever need anything just come to me."
Red velvet puts chiffon on his lap and stares at me

"Why would I need any help from a cookie thinner than a twig?!"
Red velvet barked back
"Excuse me!? Do you know who I am?!? I've been here way longer than you so I can get you fired you know!!" I was amused by how stupid this cookie was. Really trying to challenge me?!? I don't think so!

"Really?? If you are so important then why didn't dark enchantress cookie tell me anything about you?"

"Well she was probably waiting for you to meet me so I could introduce myself."

"Then why did she tell me about every other cookie but you!"

My heart dropped.. did dark enchantress forget about me?!? No no she probably didn't tell him about me so he wouldn't be in my space because I'm so great and powerful that surely if she told him about me he would be all over me!!! Ya that's it she was just trying to save me the trouble!

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw that red velvet had left once again. I decided to tell dark enchantress about this cookies unprofessional behavior and get him out of here!!

I knocked on dark enchantress door and let myself in to the room

"Hm oh hello p- wait no. Ummm hmm what was your name again?"
Dark enchantress looked up from her paper work
"Ha ha very funny you would never forget your favorite cookie."
I smiled at her. She never really made jokes so this was way out of the blue.
"Well I did forget you so I guess your not my favorite now what do you want!"

"Heh your such a joker you seriously didn't forget me....did you?" What was she talking about? I'm not her favorite...? But she always said I was.......or was it all fake was it just my imagination? Did she really forget me?!?!?

I run out her room crying. Tears pouring out my eyes. I didn't watch were I was going and I bumped into red velvet but he didn't have his dog.

My face went right into his chest knocking me back a little but in that moment for so odd reason for completely no reason red velvet grabs my hips to stop me from falling

We stand there for about a minute until he finally speaks

"Why are you crying I thought you were the most powerful cookie here?"
He said while still holding me
Him saying that just made me cry even harder and I dig my face in to his chest

I don't know why but him holding me made me realize something.......

No one has ever loved me.......

When I was a child my parents would yell and beat me for the stupidest reasons.
And when I came here I made up a fake reality where everyone loved me but for real no one even knew I existed...

Red velvet picked me up bridal style and took me to his house while I was just crying into his chest.

It's wasn't fully moved into there were still box's here and there but the bedroom was all unpacked.

Red velvet sat down and I was in his lap. I can't believe I was being so soft to someone I hated I don't know why I didn't just run away when I bumped into him.

The way we were sit was odd. Red velvet sat on the side of the bed while I was on top of him with my legs around his waist. If someone were to walk in it would've looked like something else was going on.

Red velvet waited for me to stop crying so loud and then ask me what was wrong.

I couldn't even look at him in the eyes he was still straight faced dose he ever show any emotion??

"I-I just" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.
"I just want someone to love me..."

"But I thought everyone loved you?? Your the favorite cookie right?"

"N-no. No one has ever loved me growing up so I just created a reality where people actually cared for me but I guess I got to involved with my imagination that I forgot the real world was happening and that no one even knew my name..."
My tears started to fall again.

Red velvet hugged me it was the first hug I've ever had I think but it felt nice. He was warm and soft I could stay in his arms all day.

Me and red velvet talked for awhile and soon I went back to my home to sleep.
I took off my shoes and robe and got into bed my stomach was full of butterflies and I didn't know why..
Was I in love with red velvet??? No no he's my enemy! But then why did his hug feel so nice and why did I want to stay in his arms for eternity....

I tried to get him out of my head and fall asleep. When your in the cookies of darkness you always need a full night of sleep because you never know when your going into battle

Hey guys!!!! I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter out I got sick so I basically slept all day but I will get better soon and more chapters will be out byyyeee❤️❤️❤️

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