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Fountain of blood ⚠️‼️TW: smut and suicide‼️⚠️

(Licorice POV)

I woke up and looked around the room. It seems like I had fallen asleep at red velvets place. Wait no I could have sworn it was at mine. I looked over to the clock that read 8:00. I got up and saw a piece of paper on the table. I picked it up and read it.

To licorice
If you're wondering how you got to my place I picked you up and took you her. If you are now wondering where I'm at, I am taking chiffon out for a walk. A may take awhile since it's snowing and chiffon will most likely want to play in it. I have some extra blankets in the closet so if you get cold just take some of those. I also put some fresh towels in the bathroom so if you would like to take a nice warm shower you can.
Love, red velvet ♡︎

For some odd reason reading red velvets little note made me blush. I don't know if it was the little heart or his cute little hand writing or maybe just the fact he wrote to lil ol me.
I had gotten bored of putting "little" I random sentences and decided to take a shower. After a while of a bathing I started just thinking about red velvet. His long hair, his eyes, his massive d- PERSONALITY! I love his massive personality.

I looked down and saw that I had gotten a boner by just thinking about red velvet. I wanted to jerk off so bad but it was wrong to jerk of to someone. But he is my boyfriend. I started jerking off and thinking about red velvet. The faster I got the louder I moaned.

"Ahhh~ vel~~~ harder mmmh Ahhh~"
I thought of red velvet jerking me off and of him doing things to me that no one has even dared do before.
Not long after I finally came and rinsed off in the shower. I got all dressed and went back to red velvets bed to cuddle with some blankets.

I was just watching hxh when red velvet came in covered in snow.

"Oh hey you're awake great I have something to show you."
Red velvet grabbed my hand and lead me to a beautiful fountain in the middle of the woods.

"Wow...... how did you find this place?"
I was amazed by the beauty of the fountain and all the pretty flowers around it.

"Well when I was walking chiffon we had came around this place and I thought you might like to see it." Red velvet took my hand and we sat on the edge of the fountain.

It was old and no longer working but the design and all the over growth just made it look so much more magical. Me and red velvet stared into each other's eyes. He grabbed my chin and kissed me, I kissed back as I started to here water falling. The fountain must had started to work all of a sudden. We stopped kissing and I opened my eyes and saw pure shiny water coming out of the top of the fountain. I looked back at red velvet and saw that his eyes had some how turn red.

"Licorice......please wake up my darling."
I was super confused. Wake up?? But I am awake I'm right here eyes open, moving, talking. What is he talking about??

Just then the fountains water turned from clear to dark red blood!!! I looked at red velvet and saw his eyes and mouth were leaking blood. Everything around me was melting blood!!!!!......

I woke up in red velvets bed. I walked around and saw red velvet playing with chiffon. Red velvet got up and hugged me and started kissing me all over.
I guess he was happy I was awake... I looked up at red velvets face but he was crying....why was he crying.....

"Thank god you're awake I thought you had died!"
Red velvet hugged me tighter.
"What?!?! I've only slept for a couple more hours!"

"No licorice in this world your awake but I real life you're not!!"

"HUH?!?!?! Babe what the hell are you talking about!?"

Red velvet dug his face into my shoulder and started balling his eyes out."

I woke up again but this time in a hospital room. I was connected to a bunch of wires and tubes leading to giant mashies. I saw a bunch of flowers with get well cards from all the cookies of darkness.
What was red velvet talking about in my dream?? Wake up? I did that. It's been two years was I in a coma?! Well that would explain all the cards and why I was I a hospital. But what was he talking about "wake up before I do it"?? Do what? What was he going to do????????? OH SHIT!
I had just realized what he could have meant. I pulled all the tubes out of me and started running to his house hoping I wasn't to late.

Tears were falling down my eyes so much I could barely see where I was going but I had finally made it and busted down the door. Then I saw him....... A lifeless red velvet hanging on his ceiling........

I cut the rope down from the ceiling and tried giving him air but he was gone..........he was dead.....my boyfriend who I loved was dead in my arms.
I cried into his chest hoping a miracle would happen. I kissed him hoping a true loves kiss would wake him up. I did everything I could to get him up but nothing worked.

Then it happened.. everything started fading black....

I woke up with tears falling from my face I looked around. Red velvet wasn't anywhere. I pinched my arm to see if I was dreaming again but no it hurt... I sighed in relief that my boyfriend wasn't dead and I decided to go back to my place to watch hxh.

I got to my house and saw that my door was unlocked I guess when red velvet took me to his place he forgot to lock it..

I got into my room and saw the worst thing ever..

Red velvet was on my bed with another girl.........

Love of darkness (red velvet x licorice)Where stories live. Discover now