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Butter scotch

(Licorice POV)

It's been a month since I was kidnapped.
I haven't had food,water,sleep. I've been in this basement with no contact with anyone. I've never even seen who's doing this to me.

I hear foot steps coming down the stairs. My whole body tensed up. This was it either I die right here right now or I'll be let go.

The person came down into the basement but it was to dark to see them. The person shines a flashlight in my eyes.

"Well hello licorice! Why you've gotten quite pretty since I last saw you~~"

I couldn't recognize the voice even though it sounded so familiar.

"WHO ARE YOU?! SHOW YOURSELF!" I yelled back.

"My my aren't you feisty~"
The person walked over to where they entered and flicked a switch to turn on the lights. I closed my eyes to shade the sudden brightness. I slowly opened them and I could finally see my surroundings.

I was seated at the center of the room but I was able to see behind me due to the room being pretty small.
The room was full concrete with one big light on the ceiling center. There was rope and other tools in one corner and in the other it seemed to be some torture weapons. On one wall there was some dried red stains which I can only assume is blood. On the opposite wall there were pictures of me... some old selfies and some that were taken far away. I finally look at the front of the room. Right by the light switch was my captor...

"My you look so much better in the light my dear~"

"B- butter scotch...."
I froze.
Butter scotch... my ex..

"Awe you remember my name! How cute~"
Butter scotch got closer to me and knelt down to my level. He tried to hold my face but I nodded away.

"Heh your stubborn~that's fine I like a challeng~"
"Oh you really think I'll give up that easily.. you burned down everything I loved... my home, my school, my friends, family..... you think your actions don't have consequences but trust be dear they do..... and they bite you right in the ass!"

Butter scotch inched his face closer to mine but I bang my head into his and knocked him back.

"UGH YOU LITTLE PEST!" Butter scotch head started to bleed and I had to hold in my laugh.

"Oh butter scotch.. you do realize that my friends will soon find me and when they do...well you don't want to know what they'll do to you..."

"Oh really? Licorice you've been down here for a month now. That entire time no one has even stepped foot in the woods. Licorice......no one loves you."

I froze at his words. He was right it's been a month and I've heard nothing but a tv upstairs. But maybe we were just really far....they wouldn't give up on me.....would they.

Butter scotch walked back to the light switch and flicked it off.

"Just call my name when you need me alright babe."
He walked up the stairs back to what ever was above and I sat in the dark..

Once again I was alone and can't see anything.

"BUTTER SCOTCH!!" I yelled

Butter scotch came running down the stairs

"I need food to live you know." I looked at him with a straight face.

"Oh right- awe my poor baby must be starving~"

"Poor baby?!? What am I a dog!"

"No. Not yet at least~" butter scotch chuckled and went up for food.

God he's such a fucken weirdo. Why must I get my self in situations like this..

Butter scotch came down and turned on the light. In his hand was a plate with a sandwich,macaroni and cheese, peas, and a pudding cup.

What am I a child?! I guess I should be great full I'm even getting food. Butter scotch put the food on a foldable table that was in the corner and pushed it closer to me.

He then went behind my chair and cute the rope holding my hands.

I tried to stand up but quickly fell. I forgot that my legs where also tied up.
Butter scotch picked up my chair and pushed me towards the food and handed me a fork.

Butter scotch got a chair and sat with me.
He tried to have a conversation with me but I was stuffing my face with food. Butter scotch pulled the food away from me and placed it on the floor.

"You can get this back when we've talked a little alright." Butter scotch smiled
I wanted to yell at him but I wanted to be able to eat again so I just stayed quiet..

We talked for a bit and then he left me to eat. I didn't know what to think of him. He is treating me nice so I can assume he's probably going to let my out soon. But only time can tell.

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