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(Red velvets POV)

I woke up in my room. It was freezing and it was dark out. I could barely remember what happened I only remember a faint voice calling me. The voice was familiar but also unrecognizable. It was a whisper tell me to do something but what was it..?

I pushed my hair back a decided to try and get some rest since it seem to still be late. My eyes wondered around my room soon laying on the robe I had bought licorice the he ran away.

I got up and put it on. It reminded me of him..his warm hugs. His kisses. His voice....... I layer but down and just started sobbing. I just wanted him back. I would do anything for him anything at all.


I woke up in a sudden panic. I guess I drifted off after my break down. I got up still in the kitty robe and filled chiffons food and water bowl. Chiffon was the only thing keeping me on this earth at this point. Well also the thought that maybe licorice is alive some where. I brushed my teeth, got dressed in winter attire and took chiffon out for a walk.

I soon started to get lost in my mind and realized that I was deep in the forest. I looked down at chiffon and realized I had just been dragging him along this whole time. His poor little legs were so tired he couldn't even stand. I picked up my poor little pup and started walking hoping I would reach home soon.

The further and further I walked the more I thought I was probably lost. Soon I started seeing scratch marks all over the trees. They were about a inch deep. What everyone did this must have been in a real pain. I walked a little further found some sort of stick. It was like it was broken off of something. I looked up and saw it.............

A grey robe.

I ran to it and inspected it and it was definitely his.. problem was......it was clean.. it had been over a month since his disappearance so it's impossible that this robe would be spotless..unless...

I started just running the other way and soon made it back home. I took chiffon home and went to visit dark enchantress. I bursted though the door and held up the robe.

"HES ALIVE!!" I screamed and dark enchantress just stared at me.

"Who's alive? Ohhhh the twink! You still looking for him? God your hopeless." She snagged and went but to doing her nails.

"W-what...? But I have this! It was just laying in the woods and it's spotless so he has to be out there somewhere...!"

"God why do you even care for that useless cowered. He's done nothing good in his life honestly I'm glad he's gone......... No. I'm glad he's dead!"

Dark enchantress chuckled to her self.
I stood there in disbelief. I didn't think about what I was saying and I wish I had.

"You know.....pure vanilla was a coward. Yet you stilled loved him.......honestly I'm glad he's dead to!"
I slammed the doors and walked back to my house but soon dark enchantress caught up to me.


"Oh ya.......what about the garden? Hmh yaaa bet you remember that."
Licorice had told me a lot about dark enchantress past and how her a pure vanilla would just sit in their little garden and talk. After the whole cookies of darkness think dark enchantress had finally won and killed pure vanilla.

Dark enchantress just stood there in utter shock and walk calmly back home.

I plopped down on my bed and when I finally realized what just happened I started balling my eyes out. I grabbed my phone and did something I hadn't done in awhile.


Hey it's been awhile hasn't it❤️
Delivered 12:07pm

I really miss you...❤️
Delivered 12:07pm

I don't know if your dead or not but....❤️
Delivered 12:07pm
I love you and I'll never stop loving you.❤️
Delivered 12:07pm

I went back to just crying when I heard a ring.....


Hey it's been awhile hasn't it❤️
Seen 12:08

I really miss you...❤️
Seen 12:08

I don't know if your dead or not but....❤️
Seen 12:08
I love you and I'll never stop loving you.❤️
Seen 12:08

🖤I love you to vel
Seen 12:08

🖤I love you to velSeen 12:08

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Love of darkness (red velvet x licorice)Where stories live. Discover now