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Licorice........ (TW⚠️‼️)

(Red velvets POV)
It's been a month since his disappearance.
I still feel like she's alive but everyone else thinks he was killed by whoever took him.
Dark enchantress set up his tome along with the chess choco twins and lobster cookies grave. Licorice was the first to have a unknown death everyone else died in the oven or ran away due to guilt.

Every night I take a walk in the woods hoping I'll be able to find him. Pomegranate says there's no use since he's dead and gone forever but I don't believe it or.......... I don't want to believe.
I've lost all contact with reality. I now sit around day dreaming about a world with licorice. Where he was ok and he was always with me but soon I wake up and remember.........

He's gone........and he's never coming back


It's now the anniversary of licorice death.
It took a whole year for me to realize he's gone.
I haven't gotten over him yet but I've learned to live without him.....

"Red?! You alright? You don't have to come. You can stay home if it hurts you to much."
Dark choco was walking with me to his grave.
"N-no I'm fine I don't want to be the only one not there."
"Hm.....did licorice ever tell you about his life before he joined us.?" Dark choco stopped walking and looked down.
"Before his life here he had a friend..butter scotch cookie. They both studied to be wizards but when licorice failed and butter scotch was able to go to wizard academy that's when their friendship ended. Licorice was bullied constantly even by butter scotch and when licorice join he decided to get revenge on his ex-bestfriend...."
Dark choco paused for awhile and stared talking again.
"Licorice.....he....... Burned down butter scotch entire village. He didn't do serious damage but butter scotch swore to one day kill licorice."

I was stunned by licorice's past. How come he never told me this and why is dark choco telling this all to me...?

"No. He never told me that. He's never told me anything about his past actually.......why are you telling this though?" I looked at him waiting for an answer.

"Because I suspect that butter scotch is the one that took licorice.... And I don't think he's dead either. I think butter scotch took licorice to tortilla him......I'm sorry to be telling this to you but....I had to get it out."

I was shocked by what I had just heard. Licorice being...Toronto?!?! That can't be. No he's ok it's all ok..!!!
This can't be real. This can't be.......


Who in their right mines would tomorrow him......


I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head and everything fade to black........

I just want to find licorice

Love of darkness (red velvet x licorice)Where stories live. Discover now