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What really happened

(Red velvet POV/ past)

I pet licorice head and walk out the room. Since I been with licorice I haven't gotten the chance to go shopping. I decide that I'll take chiffon with me to get some food and let licorice rest.
I put on chiffons collar and leash on and get dressed in winter attire. On our way to the store chiffon just wanted to play in the snow so our trip took longer than expected but we made it.

We finally made it to the store covered in snow and freezing. I got some food and a new toy for chiffon when I saw the cutest little robe. It was purple with gold lace and the hood had adorable little cat ears.
It was only 20$ so I had to get it for licorice. It would look so cute on him and maybe I can make a matching hood to put on chiffon and they can can look like my two little kittens.

I bought all the items and went back home. Licorice was still sleeping but he was squirming around and mumbling something. I couldn't quite make out what he was saying but it seemed like he was scared. I remembered licorice told me that when he gets to cold he tends to have nightmares and the only way to make him feel better was his giant puffy blanket that weighed more than me.

The blanket was back at his place so I started walking there to get it but I had the strange feeling that I was being watched. I get to his place and start looking for his blanket. I see it on his bed and reach to grab it but just then I hear the door open and something pounced on me pinning me to the bed. I open my eyes and see that bitch my mom forced me to go on a date with.

"Your mom told me that to worked with the cookies of darkness but I never thought you would just be the one to ghost a girl like that."
She said as she rubbed my face.

I tried to push her off but she was holding my arms down.

"Awe cmon you know you want me~~"


She try's to lean in to kiss me but just then the door opens.........

(Present time)

I see licorice at the door just starring at me. I realized what this looked like to him and pushed the girl off me.

"LICORICE..! It's not what it looks like I swear!!"
I walk closer to licorice but he pushes me away.

"S-shut up!! I thought you were different.....but you're just like him."
Licorice ran out the house and I ran after him.
Licorice is surprisingly fast and after a while I lost him.....
We had ran deep into the woods and the last thing I heard was licorice scream and a car driving away.....................

And that was the last time I ever saw licorice

Hey guysss sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. That sickness i had turned in to a really bad sickness and I've kinda been puking my organs out. I'll try and get more chapters out this month and maybe I'll make another story on the cookies of darkness celebrating Christmas. Anyways byyyyeeee❤️❤️❤️

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