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(Red velvet POV)
I wake up with licorice in my arms. Last night was probably one of the best nights of my life I got to really show how much I cared for licorice.
I hug licorice closer to me so I could keep him warm from the cold outdoors.

It was mid-November and I guess today was the day it would finally start snowing. Licorice soon wakes up and digs his face into my chest.

"What time is it?" Licorice said still half asleep.
I look over at the clock. It's 7:00 in the morning which is usually the time I get up.
"It's 7 darling." I said to licorice while petting his head.
"Whaaaat 7 that's soooooooo early." Licorice sounded really tired like he had only gotten a couple hours of sleep. I wonder what time he usually gets up at if he considered 7 to be early.

I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. The news was once again talking about the cookies of darkness and how three 12 years olds a toddler and a criminal are their hero's. I try flipping through channels but it's all just the "heroes of the vanilla kingdom" and how dark enchantress cookie is a "bad guy".

After a few minutes of trial and error I settle for a children's show about a cake hound that ate a alphabet cake and can now talk. God I would kill to be able to talk to chiffon........ SHIT CHIFFON!
I had completely forgotten about my little baby he's probably so worried right now.

I got dressed, dressed licorice, picked licorice up and headed to my house so we could see chiffon.
I got in the house and was welcomed by a flood of warm air.
I placed licorice down on my bed and was surprised how he was still sleeping. I pushed his hair back and kissed his forehead. God I love him so much.
Just then chiffon bused though the door and jump on top of me. He was so happy to see me again that I kinda got sad to think how lonely he was the night I stayed over at licorice's place.
From now on I will take chiffon everywhere I go so he won't be sad and lonely.

Just then I see licorice squirming in my bed. I got a closer look at him but he was still asleep.
I guess he's dreaming...

Love of darkness (red velvet x licorice)Where stories live. Discover now