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(Licorice POV)

I wake up again, I honestly wish I didn't. I'm still in that filthy basement with that cunt, butter scotch. I have no idea how long I've been here, there's no way of telling when it's night or day and I just sleep when I can't stay up any longer. Butter scotch comes down to feed me every few hours, and he forces me to have a conversation with him.

Sometimes when I'm alone I daydream. It's not something new that I do, I've always liked daydreaming. But now instead of thinking of fantasy lands and making storys I think about being saved... At this point the chance of me being rescued might as well be a fantasy, but it doesn't hurt to have hope.

Being down here has left me alone to think a lot. Mostly I think about everything I regret. I wish I hadn't let my parents control my life so much, I wish I never let all those bullys take advantage of me, I wish I told so many people that I loved them sooner, and I wish I never lost contact with all those people I loved...

I like repeating the names of all the people that are important to me. So I don't forget them and loose my mind trying to remember.
Red velvet, dark choco, butterroll, poison mushroom, affogato, espresso, Madeline, vampire and milk.

Those are the most important people to me. Especially mushroom, their kind of like my kid after all.
God, I hope their okay.. Someone has to be taking care of them.. Someone is feeding them and playing with them.. What if they forget me? No, their 8 not like a toddler or something. They have most of their brain developed so they will definitely remember someone that's always around them... Or at least used to be around them.

I miss them so much... I miss everyone so much. I miss my boyfriends and my friends, I miss red velvet holding me, I miss annoying dark choco everyday, I miss distracting butterroll so he'll talk to me, and I miss my friends from high school.... I wish I could have told them I wanted to be more than friends, I let so many people go that I really loved, and for what? Because I was afraid to be gay, because my dad would have killed me if he found out?! I ruined so many relationships just because I was scared! Because I let my stupid dad fill me with fear!!

Tears started to drop on to the floor, I tried to wipe my face but my hands were tied up behind the chair. I need to eat... Not food but blood.. I need blood.

Just then the basement door opened and the light was flicked on. Butter scotch was standing in the door way with a tray of food. You'd think he's British by how flavorless and bland his food is. For another meal I will be forced to eat bland, unseasoned chicken, a mixture of corn, peas, and carrots which is the best part, a stale slice of bread, and a glass on room temperature water.

Butter scotch placed the tray on the foldable table and walked over to me. He grabbed my chin and lifted my faces up. I could feel tears still spilling out of my eyes and covering my face.

"Oh my dear licorice! What's wrong?" Butter scotch spoke, anytime he speaks I just want to throw up.
"Nothing..." I said, my voice shaking an cracking from the crying.
"Well that's not true, and you know I don't like it when you lie, licorice..." butter scotch rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

I knew what he was referencing with that. One day he had asked if I loved him, and as and attempt to escape I said yes. He somehow knew I was lying so he slapped me across the face and refused to feed me that day.

"I'm always here if you need to talk lico~.."
I wanted to vomit as soon as he said that
"Don't call me that.."
"I can call you want ever I'd like, licooo~"
He was teasing me, he knows he can't call me that but he still does.. God I fucking hate him.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" I yelled in his face.
He backed up a bit, obviously stunned on were my sudden confidence came from. Then he brought the table and food to me and left without undoing the rope around my hands. Is this his way of punishing me? Making it hard to eat? I'm fine with this, it better than the other punishments.

I start eating, but immediately feel sick. He knows exactly what he's doing, he knows I'm desperate for for food, he knows no matter what I'd do anything to get this food, even if I have to eat like a dog... He's training me. He's making the punishments less like torture so that I'm grateful when they die down a bit... That's manipulative ass hole.

I sit up and stare at the food. What ever happens I must stay strong, I can't let him control me.. I cant.

(A few hours later)

I look up from my day dreaming and realize something. Butter scotch had never turned off the lights when he left. Looking around the room I see tools an weapons, sharp weapons! If I can manage to get over there then I can break these ropes and leave!!

I think about my situation, my ankles are tied to the legs of the chair, and my hands a tied behind me. If I throw myself onto the floor I could hit my head on the ground and get seriously injured, if that doesn't happen then butter scotch will definitely hear me fall and come in. Scooting the chair might work but I'd have to do it before butter comes back. Then if I manage to make it over there I have to grab a weapon.

Thinking about all this makes me smile a bit. I'm finally going to leave! I can go home!! I'm free!!!

My plan is: Right after butter scotch leaves after meal time I immediately start scooting to the weapons, I make sure my back is turned to them and when I hit the wall there handing on I use the top of my head to get it down, when a knife falls a catch it in my hands and chop the ropes off, then I leave this basement and I kill butter scotch!!!

I yawn and rest my head on the table. Tomorrow I get to leave... Tomorrow I get to see everyone again.. Yay..

I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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