The return

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Writers note:

Hey.. It's been years and I know you all probably wants and explanation..

So first of all I started this in 6th grade and now I'm currently finishing freshman year at high school so it's been awhile! I recently remembered I made this and I read it with my bf.. I have no idea how anyone read this and didn't immediately want to blow their brains out.

The reason I never updated was because I had lost interest in crk, I had moved to hxh, then so, and now at the very beginning of 2024 I am back into crk!!

This story is honestly terrible and I have no idea where I was actually going with this, it's supposed to a cute love story and now licorice is in some dudes basement?? And all the lore is so off!! So I'm not really sure how to begin writing this again but I will definitely try, and there will be so many more ships with licorice!

I'm going to try and mix the lore with canon, my current headcanons/au,and what ever the hell is going on here so expect some changes!

Oh and if your into the smut part they will be written so much better!!!

So after 3 years, here's chapter 12!!

(Red velvets POV)

I sit in my bed, staring at licorices robe. It's clean.. It couldn't have been in the woods long. It's been a month though, why is it just now in the woods?! Did licorice escape his captor.. Or is this a cruel joke that's being played on us?

I look at my claw and ball it into a fist. I can totally overpower who ever took licorice.. I'm strong..... I can protect him.

I lay on my side. I can feel tears start to form in my eyes and my throat tightens. I could have protected him.. But I didn't.! I could have, and I should have been there!!.... It's my fault this whole thing happened..

I wipe the tears from my eyes. Sitting here and crying won't get me anywhere. I have to stay strong.. For licorice.

I get up from my bed and fix my clothes, then I head out to dark chocos room. He's strong too, that sword can definitely kill someone with just one swing, it will be smart to have his help when saving licorice.

While I walk I think about poison mushroom. Licorice was like a dad to them, anywhere licorice was mushroom was right by his side. Who's even been taking care of them since licorice went missing? Mushrooms too young to care for themselves.. I'm such an idiot, have I seriously just let this kid suffer alone?!

I make it to dark chocos room. I'm hoping he listens and doesn't shut the door in my face. He might be fucking terrifying but licorice always told me that he was sweet. He said before me, him and dark choco were together, and they broke up because dark choco just stopped talking to him one day. I knock on his door, I hear some rustling and then the door opens. Dark choco stands there, stiff as a wall, he stares directly into my eyes, it feels like he's stabbing me right in my face with that glare..

"What do you want." he speaks up, his voice deep and has little emotion.
"I uh... I wanted to ask if you wanted to help me find licorice! I found his robe in the forest and it was almost spotless! There's no way that it's been there for long!" I look at dark choco with hope in my eyes, hoping he'll come with me, hoping he'll help me find my love.

"... Where's the robe" he asks, for a moment I think I hear some hope, desperation, some urgency in his voice.
"It's in my room! I know licorice is alive, he's out there somewhere and we need to find hi-"
Dark choco cuts me off by pushing past me. he begins walking to my room, his pace fast and determined.

I follow him, having to run a bit to catch up. He walks really fucking fast.. I honestly don't think I've ever seen him so in need of getting somewhere. Usually he's just sitting in a corner or stays in his room.

We make it and I hand dark choco the robe. He holds it for a bit, looking down at it and rubbing the fabric with his thumb. His grip on the robe tightens and he goes into my bathroom with it, then I hear the lock. I stand there a second or two in confusion, they I go to the door and knock.

"Uh.. Dark choco? What are you doing?" I ask but I'm met with complete silence. I put my ear up to the door and I hear faint crying. Is he crying?! I didn't know he could do that! Last time I think I heard him cry it wasn't like actually hearing him cry. Licorice had told me that after they tried to take his dad's soul jam dark choco had a small break down and stormed off. Then a while later licorice went into the woods to find him and he was sitting by a tree crying.

I sit on my bed and just kinda wait for him to come back. I don't feel like bothering a man that can break my back... Not in that way... Maybe in that way but he could definitely win in a fight.

He comes out a bit later, his expression is totally straight faced, and he acts like nothing happened.
"We need to bring this to butterroll, he can do some sciencey shit to track DNA or something... I don't know he's smart." Dark choco hands me the robe. "Oh and.. Thanks" dark choco looks away from me.

"Huh? What are you thanking me for?" I tilt my head a bit in confusion.
"For showing me this... I've also been trying to find licorice." He crosses his arms and straightens his back.
"Really?! Have you found anything?!" I ask, stepping a bit closer. Im hoping he says yes, that he's found anything to help me find my licorice, a clue on where he is, or who took him!
"... I didn't want to show anyone this because I was unsure of-.." he sighs and takes a sugar skull from his pocket. It's definitely one of licorices skulls. On the top of the skull is.. Blood. It's not too much, but it's definitely more than a few drops. 
"I'm unsure who's blood this is.. I didn't want to show anyone because I didn't want them to think licorice is dead... I know he's not dead"

I look at licoricea robe. I didn't even think to inspect it for any blood! It's hard to tell what might be blood or just a stain since the robe is so dark.

"We have to get to butterroll.. " I speak up. "There can be blood stains on this robe that we can't see!"
I grab dark chocos hand and drag him to butterroll's

Licorice is alive.. I have barley any proof but I can feel it... I know it

Love of darkness (red velvet x licorice)Where stories live. Discover now