Chapter thirty one: Save me

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 Before Carol could say anything Sophia ran past her and jumped off the cliff.

"No!" Carol shouted, but it was already too late.

She watched as Sophia fell down the Cliff

as Monica looked in shock at what happened in front of her.


Sophia jumped, she knew there was a low chance she could survive this jump but something in her told her she could make it.

She remembered the way she watched Natasha fall from that same cliff.

She remembered the way her heart broke into a millions pieces but something in her just told her to do it.

oh, well she thought, if I die they may get a chance to bring auntie Tasha back.

She closed her eyes, praying she wasn't wrong and eventually she landed on her feet and hands with deep red fog surrounding her.

She panted heavily and slowly opened her eyes, surprised to see she actually made it alive.

She stood up, the red mist still surrounding her, she couldn't see anything.

She started to look for Natasha, but she was there alone.

Maybe Carol was right?  she thought to herself

But I saw her, I need to keep looking, she thought.

She started to walk, she had no idea where she was going but she didn't just risk her life for nothing, right?


"Clint" Yelena called


"Is this it?" she asked and he nodded

Yelena started to tear up and Clint looked at her with a concerned yet confused look.

"You ok?" Yelena wiped her tears and let out a sigh

"I just- this is where she died and" more tears ran down her face

"I don't know if I can do this"

Clint's face softened, he watched as Yelena kept wiping the tears who didn't stop coming down her face.

"Hey, it's ok, you can talk to me you know?"

"Yeah I know I just... I really need a hug"

Clint smiled slightly and opened his arms for her to crush into

"Come on" he said softly as Yelena rested her head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and eventually she softened and wrapped her arms around his stomach.

"You know you're like a little sister to me right?"

"Yeah" she said softly

"I miss her too, she was my best friend, watching her fall off that cliff broke me, I uhh..." Clint started to share and Yelena pulled away from the hug to look at his face.

"On the way here, when we were on the jet, she told me that if anything goes wrong and she won't make it... to make sure you're doing ok and having everything you need and that you are safe, I told her that I promise nothing will happen to her and of course i'll make sure you're safe.

I guess fate wanted only one of my promises to come true..."

Yelena looked at him with a pout trying to hold her tears back.

"She always had to make sure that everyone is safe, she asked me to take care of Wanda and Sophia, she really cared about them, she cared about everyone"

A soulmate who wasn't meant to be (Sophia Maximoff x Ivy Harkness)Where stories live. Discover now