anniversary. izana x reader ;

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you were very excited to see izana. it was your anniversary after all. you missed him so much because he said he had "gang duties". You found it suspicious at first, but he reassured you that he wasn't doing anything bad.

You made him his favorite dessert to show him how much you loved him. you got in your car and drove to his house. you ran to his door and knocked. again and again, no one was answering. You thought he might be out. so you drove home to drop off the dessert so it doesn't get messed up. after that you went to a little cafe down the street to grab some tea. once you walked in the door, you saw someone.

it was no other then izana. he was kissing another girl. "she won't find out right?"the random girl said. "of course babe. it's our anniversary after all." Your heart completely sank to the floor. it felt like your heart shattered. there he was, on our anniversary kissing a girl. you felt dizzy and had a nervous feeling in your stomach.

tears starting coming down fast, you ran up to him, and slapped him so hard his cheek starting turning red. he was shocked, Although a few minutes later he looked like he didn't care. It broke your heart to know that he looked like that. He ran outside and asked why you did that. "It's because you kissed that girl!" He tried hugging you, but you pushed him off, and ran away.

You've never talked since then, but he always tries to call you or talk to you while your out. As always though you would occasionally see him with other girls. it broke your heart. after he found some new girls, he never spoke to you again.

😭😭 i'm sorry...
i had to listen to sad music to get in the mood😈

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