baji headcanons if ur dating ;

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loves when you play with his hair

always making sure you're okay

chifuyu and him follow you around sometimes

if someone hurt your feelings, he'll beat the shit out of them

bakes u all sorts of sweets

likes to wrap his arms around your waist

probably stares at you a lot

play fights

you guys set cars on fire 😈

baji takes you to pet stores to see all the

tries to be less reckless around you

will do anything to protect you

he'd burn a car if you weren't with him

you and him dress up cats for halloween

when u were holding his hand he tripped on something and u fell down too

always gives you gifts

back hugs

teases you sometimes

for your birthday, he'd give you a kitten

does weird stuff in public with you

a lot of spa days

if you wear glasses he probably steals them

gives u his toman jacket if you're cold

soft w you

probably talks about you a lot to his friends

shares his food with you

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