mikey x reader ;

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angst ($u!c!de

You and mikey have been dating for 4 years, but his possessiveness just grew and grew. you have tried running away before, but he just sent bonten after you. You've never understood why he was like this, He used to be caring and sweet when you two met, but now he's just cold.

Literally has a tracker on everything you have, earrings, phone, car, so you don't leave. You're scared of him, of what he'll do to you if you leave. If he sees anyone around you, just waving, he'll beat them to death.

Every time he gets home, he'll scream at you all night, for doing nothing, nothing. He'll always blame YOU. you cannot do nothing about it. After that, he will leave eventually for work, and you cry yourself to sleep, wondering why and what did you ever do to him. it'll always be a mystery.

You cant talk to family or friends. he has control of everything you do and i mean everything. you haven't seen your family in 3 years because of him. Your friends, don't even know if you're alive or not. They'll never know anyway. you're locked up in this house.

He would compare you to other girls saying how you aren't as good as them even tho you try so hard for him.

You were getting very tired of this though. you wanted to be free from this, He finally let you go outside after you begged for days, but with bonten members always watching you. As you were walking somewhere, you spotted a building. You went in there, going on the tallest floor, ready. as you walked and watched as the cars flew by, you admired all the lights. they were so pretty, you thought. You took a step off the building, wondering if you should really do it. As a bonten member came running after you, you took your last step off the building, falling. it was like in slow motion. you saw all of the pretty lights, thinking this was a good choice. You were free from Mikey. Finally. You closed your eyes and smiled.


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