Ch. 8 - RAVING

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Fallon's outfit:
Animal Clinic -

Fallon's outfit: Animal Clinic -

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Rave / Animal Clinic -

Chapter Eight🦎 Raving 🦎

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Chapter Eight
🦎 Raving 🦎

Scott unlocked the front door to the animal clinic as Derek, Isaac and Fallon walked up. "What's he doing here?" Scott asked nodding towards Isaac as they walked in, "I need him." Derek said. "I don't trust him." Scott said and Isaac shrugged slightly, "Yeah, well, he doesn't trust you, either." He said and Fallon rolled her eyes.

"And Fallon is not in the mood to hear the two of you start arguing." She said and Isaac held his hands up in defense while Derek sighed, "Now, where's the vet? Is he gonna help us, or not?" He asked. "That depends..." Someone said making them look over to see Deaton leaning against the door way of the examination room, "Your friend, Jackson... Are we planning to kill him, or save him?" He asked.

"Kill him." / "Save him." Derek and Scott said at the same time making Scott give Derek a look before looking back over at his boss, "Save him." He said.

Deaton pulled out a tray with a bunch if hard that had different celtic symbols on the lids. Isaac went to grab one but Fallon grabbed his hand to stop him making him look at her. "Don't grab things when you dont know what they are. You could die that way." She said.

"So, what are you, some kind of witch?" Isaac asked as he leaned his elbows against the table making Deaton look at him, "No. I'm a veterinarian." He said and Isaac nodded slightly as his mouth formed an "O" shape. "And unfortunately, I don't see anything here that's going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin." Deaton said.

"We're open to suggestions." Derek said and Isaac furrowed his brows slightly, "What about an effective offense?" Isaac asked and Derek shook his head. "We already tried- I nearly took its head off, and Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up." He said and Deaton furrowed his brows.

"Has it shown any weaknesses?" He asked and Derek and Fallon glanced at each other, "Well, one- it can't swim." Fallon said. "Does that go for Jackson as well?" Deaton asked and Scott shook his head, "No. He's the captain of the swim team." He said and Deaton nodded slightly.

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